China plans to strengthen protection of intellectual property rights

China said on Sunday it would seek to improve the protection of intellectual property rights, including raising the ceiling on fines for infringement of such rights.

China plans to strengthen protection of intellectual property rights

The final document, released by the State Council and the Central Office of the Communist Party on Sunday evening, called for increased protection in both the civil justice system and criminal justice. The authorities are also calling for the effective application of penalties.

The Chinese government is convinced that the upper limits of legal compensation should be substantially raised. The document says that by 2022, China should make progress on issues that affect the enforcement of intellectual property rights, such as low compensation, high costs and difficulty of proof. By 2025, a better protection system should be created.

China plans to strengthen protection of intellectual property rights

The People's Republic of China, as you know, has so far had a very liberal attitude towards violations in the field of intellectual property: this made it possible to copy foreign developments without any special consequences. However, at present, China itself also has its own advanced developments, so the continuation of such a policy may become counterproductive, and a more serious attitude towards protecting the interests of copyright holders will make the country more attractive to host advanced laboratories.


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