Kojima plays Death Stranding on a daily basis - a project at a key stage of development

Kojima Productions Marketing and Community Relations Manager Aki Saito has tweeted a translation of Hideo Kojima's post. The head of Death Stranding told how the development of the game is progressing.

Kojima plays Death Stranding on a daily basis - a project at a key stage of development

According to him, the team is now putting together the various parts of the project. The future release has not reached the stage of polishing and testing, but Kojima plays it every day. The head of the studio carefully studies the finished version of Death Stranding and makes his own adjustments.

Kojima plays Death Stranding on a daily basis - a project at a key stage of development

Curiously, the tweet came on the eve of Sony's recently announced State of Play cycle. The company promised to broadcast all the main news from the world of PlayStation. The first broadcast will take place today at midnight (00:00 Moscow time). Reminder: Not so long ago, Kojima revealed that Death Stranding was a bit behind schedule.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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