AMD Opens Implementation of FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 Technology

AMD has announced the release of the source code for the implementation of FSR 2.0 (FidelityFX Super Resolution) supersampling technology, which uses spatial scaling and detail reconstruction algorithms to reduce image quality loss when upscaling and converting to higher resolution. The code is written in C++ and distributed under the MIT license. In addition to the basic API for the C++ language, the project provides support for DirectX 12 and Vulkan graphics APIs, as well as HLSL and GLSL shader languages. A set of examples and detailed documentation is provided.

FSR is used in games to scale output on high resolution screens to achieve near-native resolution quality while preserving texture detail and crisp edges by reconstructing fine geometric and bitmap detail. With the help of settings, you can balance between quality and speed. The technology is compatible with various GPU models, including integrated chips.


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