The computer put an end to the career of the world champion in the game of Go

Hours ago, the final game in a series of three games in a human-versus-computer go rematch put an end to in the career of an international champion. Earlier in November, South Korean go icon Lee Sedol revealed that he didn't feel like he could beat the computer and was therefore going to retire from the sport.

The computer put an end to the career of the world champion in the game of Go

Lee Sedol began his professional go playing career at the age of 12 and by his 36th birthday had won 18 international and 32 South Korean titles. He became the only Go player in the world who once defeated a computer program at least once. This happened in 2016 in a series of five games with the AlphaGo Google DeepMind program, one of which brought Sedol the victory.

This time, the athlete fought with the South Korean HanDol program of NHN Entertainment Corp. In January of this year, the HanDol program defeated the top five South Korean Go players. Before retiring, Lee Sedol challenged HanDol and won the first game of three games. Second batch for him was losing. The third game, which took place on Saturday, also did not bring victory to the man. Lee Sedol lost on move 180.


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