Conference Conversations'19: conversational AI for those who still have doubts and who are already acting

On June 27-28, a conference will be held in St. Petersburg Conversions is the only event in Russia dedicated to conversational artificial intelligence technologies. How can developers make money on conversational AI? What are the pros, cons and hidden features of different dialogue platforms and methodologies? How to repeat the success of other people's voice skills and chatbots with AI, but not repeat other people's epic fails? For two days, Conversations participants and experts from Google, Yandex, MTS, Just AI, Megafon, BRLab, Ozon Travel, DPD, EORA, Aeroclub IT, Ready for Sky will analyze numbers, forecasts, fresh cases and technological trends in conversational AI.

Conference Conversations'19: conversational AI for those who still have doubts and who are already acting

The Adobe Analytics team recently surveyed Over 400 major brands across industries: 91% are making significant investments in voice right now, 71% believe that voice will undoubtedly improve UX in the future. Here is another figure: by 2023, 8 billion voice assistants will be used in the world, predict Juniper Research, - per person will have to two or three assistants, but even in this scenario, the number of active users will reach 3-4 billion people. So what kind of content should developers and businesses create to win over these users? Participants of Conversations'19 will have two days to deal with the questions that conversational AI puts before us.

What will the headliners talk about at Developers' Day (and more)?

  • Dialogue corpora, signals and methodologies - what to choose for your task? Tanya Lando, lead linguist at Google
  • VUI design: situational design vs "classic" approach. Pavel Gvai, founder and CEO of
  • Sentiment analysis: how to highlight the main thing from thousands of reviews and opinions. Vitaly Gorbachev, Head of R&D BRLab
  • When bots go beyond: how we use computer vision technologies to solve customer problems. Sergey Ponomarenko, COO EORA
  • Conversational UI life hacks: how to make a bot without making the user angry? Daria Serdyuk, NLP Research Engineer Just AI
  • Overview of technologies and approaches in the end-to-end ASR task. Nikita Semenov, Lead Developer of MTS AI Center (NLP team lead)
  • Sky voice assistant: development of an assistant for smart technology. Bussel Zayti, Teamlead of Ready for Sky voice technologies (Eng)
  • Development of bots in Python: pros, cons, subtleties. Sergey Verentsov, STO EORA

More interesting topics and names on the site Conversions

Developers' Day will end with a section in the public talk genre, where developers will share their personal - successful, difficult, different - experience in creating bots and voice skills.

For example, the Stepan Grankin, senior programmer, Aeroclub IT, will talk about the development of a prototype B2B skill for Alice, which should work with the company's closed infrastructure. And he will prove the hypothesis that skills in Alice help to increase the number of downloads and searches in a mobile application. A Anna Savinkova, whose voice acting "Citadel" recently won an Alice Award, will not only show the path between the idea for a skill and its recognition, but also reveal the secrets of promoting a skill.

Also in the program: epic fails in creating chatbots for clients, the laws of constructing conversational systems, the basics of NLU and how they help in constructing conversational AI systems, presentation of smart devices and IoT technology under voice control, open discussions and master classes on creating actions for voice assistants, HR briefing, Just Summer Party and much more.

Venue of the event

The Conversations conference will take place on June 27-28 at the Solo Sokos Hotel Palace Bridge (V.O., Birzhevoy per. 2–4)


Conference tickets (Business Day, Developers' Day, both days) can be purchased on the Conversations website The organizers offer Habr readers a special promotional code for a 15% discount on a ticket of any category: conversations_alo

The first Conversations conference was held in November 2018 in Moscow and brought together more than 400 people - representatives of retail, fintech, telecom, contact centers, food industry, IT companies, vendors and private developers. The headliners of the event were Yandex, Google, MTS,, Megafon, Tinkoff Bank, Wallet, UniCredit Bank, HeadHunter, Uralsib Bank, Voximplant, Nanosemantics, Beijing Surfing Technology Co., Ltd.

Conference Conversations'19: conversational AI for those who still have doubts and who are already acting

Conference Conversations'19: conversational AI for those who still have doubts and who are already acting

Conference Conversations'19: conversational AI for those who still have doubts and who are already acting


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