Redeemer: Enhanced Edition Console Release Delayed Until July 12th

The Buka company, together with the Ravenscourt Games publishing house, previously reported that the bloody action movie Redeemer: Enhanced Edition from the Russian team Sobaka Studio will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on June 25. However, the launch was again delayed - this time by a couple of weeks, until July 12, 2019. The reasons for the decision are not reported - perhaps the publisher simply chose a window free from releases.

Redeemer: Enhanced Edition Console Release Delayed Until July 12th

Recall: Redeemer debuted on PC (in Steam) August 1, 2017. Last summer we learnedthat the authors decided to improve and supplement Redeemer by releasing it on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, as well as updating the PC version. Development delayed: first premiere were postponed for fall, then this summer. Both digital and disc editions will be available for purchase. In Europe, Koch Media will be responsible for releasing the physical version.

Two years after the launch of the PC version, console owners will be able to experience the adventures of a colorful protagonist and dynamic gameplay. It is reported that the developers took into account the wishes of the community and added local co-op, character classes (monk and soldier) to the improved edition, and also made the levels more balanced.

Redeemer: Enhanced Edition Console Release Delayed Until July 12th

Redeemer: Enhanced Edition is a bloody action-adventure game where the player has to smash, slash and shoot their way through real hordes of enemies in dozens of ways using fists, hammers, firearms and environmental objects. This is a game for those who love the beat 'em up genre.

The protagonist is a former elite operative named Vasily, who served as a security officer for a cyberweapon manufacturer and performed tasks of covert infiltration, assassination, extortion, and even torture. But when the corporation decided to turn Vasily into one of their cyborgs, he fled to the East to a secluded mountain monastery ... After 20 years, former employers got on his trail - then everything began to spin.

Redeemer: Enhanced Edition Console Release Delayed Until July 12th

Of the 562 responses on Steam at the time of writing, 77% were positive. In our review Denis Shchennikov gave the game only 6 points out of 10.


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