Kotaku talks about the debut of PS5 games and a useful feature of the next generation of consoles

According to Kotaku editor Jason Schreier, some of the games that will be included in the PlayStation 5 launch kit will not play on the PlayStation 4. Despite the fact that this is a traditional practice in the case of new consoles, many gamers hoped otherwise. However, apparently, Microsoft will continue to support the Xbox One (at least model X) and release next-generation games for it.

Kotaku talks about the debut of PS5 games and a useful feature of the next generation of consoles

During the latest Kotaku Splitscreen podcast, Jason Schreier talked about the next generation of consoles. He stated that he had heard about the debut PlayStation 5 games and confirmed that they would only be available on the new system. You can listen to the full podcast by going to here. The conversation about the next generation starts around the 25th minute.

Kotaku talks about the debut of PS5 games and a useful feature of the next generation of consoles

Schreier added that he doesn't know what Microsoft's plans are, but he does suggest that debut games for Project Scarlett will target the new console as well as PC and Xbox One, as is the case with the already. announced Halo Infinite

Current generation consoles offer a game pause feature. You can minimize the game and even put the console into standby mode, but when you start another game, your previous session will simply stop. According to Schreyer, next-generation consoles will get rid of this shortcoming with the help of streaming services. You can pause any game and not be afraid that an accidentally or specially launched application will somehow affect it - as happens with content on Netflix and other similar video streaming services.

The PlayStation 5 and the next Xbox console will go on sale in the pre-holiday 2020 period.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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