Where does Fairy lead?

September is coming to an end, and with it the calendar of “adventures” of Fairyland is coming to an end – a set of tasks developing on the border of the real world and other, virtual-imaginary ones.
Below you will find the second part of my personal impressions related to the "passage" of these "quests".

Where does Fairy lead?

The beginning of the "adventure" (events from 1 to 8 September) and a brief introduction are described here
Globally the concept is described here

Extravaganza. The story goes on

9th of September. Day of the bystander

QuestAnalyze which Houses different members of your family belong to and determine the main House or Houses in which your family consists.
Watch a movie that has a theme that matches the season or meanings that the main House points to. A full-fledged viewing can be postponed, but for now, watch the film in part, or at least read the summary and watch the frames.

Basically, my family's birthdays are concentrated in the summer sector, before there was more of a share of spring. So let there be a House of Summer.

The film I looked after is the recently released TV series The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. Sequel-prequel to the old fabulous puppet cartoon, which later inspired many (including the developers of the Final Fantasy game series). Judging by the trailers, in terms of meaning, it fits the concept of "end of summer" - a bright world that is gradually beginning to be threatened.

Already watched the first episode. So far it looks good. At least about what I expected from the trailer. The graphics have been modernized, but in part they are still dolls, moving quite quickly, so it looks quite atmospheric and original, unlike fully three-dimensional paintings.

10 September. Personal Interest Day

QuestChoose one of the main or secondary characters of the picture that you watched yesterday. Determine the House of the selected person, focusing on the date of birth of the corresponding actor / actress. Choose any of the activated places of power (previously created by you or other representatives of the Context, or one of the proposed base ones), this hero will live there. Give him/her a new name, race, and a specific playable class or profession.

In the Dark Crystal series, out of several main characters, I liked the girl who lives underground and went to the surface in the first series. Her name is Deet.
The film is a puppet, so it seems like there are no people, and as the date of birth of the character I thought to focus on the release date of the series itself (August 30), but it turned out that the voice actors had dates indicated.
The character is voiced by a certain Nathalie Emmanuel, who was born in March. Accordingly, my heroine will be from the House of Spring.

She will live in the Magic School, according to the doppelganger race (she knows how to take on the appearance of other living beings, although her eyes always remain similar - amber) and will be engaged in magic engineering - the design of various devices powered by the energy of magic stones. She will be called Ifra.

11 September. Expressive History Day

QuestIn the afternoon, find and open today's horoscope for the sign of the hero that was invented yesterday. Make up a story with this character based on the prediction of what happened to him that day. An artifact may also appear in the story if you awakened it on the 8th day.

The birthday of the heroine invented yesterday falls on March 2, that is, the sign of Pisces. We look at the "fishy" forecast for today:
The horoscope promises a lot of disagreements, which still do not lead to conflicts, as it is possible to reconcile everyone. Difficulties that arise do not interfere with the completion of the work. Successful purchases and unexpected pleasant visits are likely.

The story will be like this: in the morning the heroine learns that the drawings of the magical flying pack that she found earlier are incomplete. So you have to look for others. In the magical laboratory where she studies, two of her acquaintances begin to swear over a single spiral stone, which was urgently needed for an important experiment by both of them.
Ifra decides to give them her stone, which was needed for a satchel, thus settling the dispute that is starting. She herself goes for the drawings, but the library is closed for today, for inventory. The master of magic engineering, to whom she looks, also turns out to be out of sorts, because an artifact that fulfills wishes has disappeared somewhere. Ifra offers to look for the loss, deciding to unwind, since the day still did not work out.

Wandering through the halls and corridors, after a while she finds a group of students arguing about the color of the skin of lizard people. Assuming the form of a reptilian, Ifra solves their problem and asks if they saw the missing artifact. One of the students reveals a secret to her - the artifact did not actually disappear from its place. The illusion of absence has been put on him, so that you can pick him up later, when they come to terms with the loss. But the student also takes the word from Ifra that she will not tell the elders anything.
Ifra agrees, but, on reflection, calculates the one who could impose such an illusion and goes to the young illusionist sorceress to talk. She declares that the first thing she will do is silence those talkers, but agrees that since the rumor is spreading so quickly, it would be better to remove the spell herself. In her room, Ifra sees a broken magical satchel lying in the corner and exchanges it for a bracelet.

In the evening, familiar magical technicians from the laboratory drop in on the heroine, thank her and give Ifra two charged spiral-shaped stones.

12-th of September. Day of searching for another life

QuestFind images of some interesting architectural structures located in other countries. Choose one of them and think of what kind of unusual creatures could inhabit this building inside the Fairy. What would their race be called, what could they do, what role does this particular structure play in their lives (which may well not be a building at all, but something else).
Take a closer look: there are 4 hidden combinations of Strength and House, for example, the House of Winter does not have its Solvent, the House of Summer does not have an Accumulator, and so on. Come up with a character from Fairyland that would belong to one of these "unrealistic" combinations and belong to that race you invented. His name, appearance, occupation, position, abilities.

For the sake of interest, I decided to look not at Chinese or Australian architecture, which first came to mind, but at Canadian. I liked this building (Royal Ontario Museum, ROM):

Where does Fairy lead?
Where does Fairy lead?
Where does Fairy lead?

Inside Faery, this would be a time station maintained by members of the race the shadows. They would travel through the eras and experiment with various temporal technologies.

There is no Transformer in the House of Spring. So a Shadow People hero would be a Transformer from the House of Spring. It would be a wandering bard named El, flowing with darkness, in a red half-scarf, half-cap, playing the temporal violin.

Where does Fairy lead?
Later I sketched the concept of this bard in a 3d package

September 13th. Day of Healing Transformation

QuestOn this day, some changes took place inside the Fairy (the nature of which you have to invent), which affected one of the places of power of your choice (created by you or other participants in the Context), removing its meanings and name. Come up with a new name for this place of power and 9 related concepts.

There are changes in one of the places of power. With the onset of autumn, a special portal was opened in the Magic School, leading to the autumn version of the school and slowly began to move there. Until some time, the summer school retained its former appearance, but with the departure of the main masters, it began to change under the influence of the magic of these places.

Where does Fairy lead?
magic school

After short periods of rain, the summer version of the Magic School turns into elven temple. Trees sprouted right through the architecture, spreading some parts of the building, connecting others and intricately intertwining with others. Slits opened in some of the trunks and awakening stone elves began to emerge from there.

New concepts accompanying this place:

1. Stone
2. Awakening
3. Change
4. Lightness
5. Branches
6. Creations
7. Key
8. Sleep
9. Message

14 September. Day of Involvement

QuestThink of how the clothes of a Context Adept should look from your point of view. You can simply write down your thoughts on this subject, or look for images of various elements of the wardrobe.

Thoughts on the clothes of the representatives of the Context. As I said in the main article, it should be something that more or less fits into everyday life, that is, not a special costume for cosplay, but slightly intricate, but more or less everyday clothes.
Again, this does not require any clear dress code, but rather a set of wardrobe items that symbolize belonging to the group and they can be taken as a whole or individually. That is, everyone can decide for himself what to wear and in combination with what.
Accordingly, in any special events, these accessories can be supplemented with something, going already into cosplay. Well, in principle, why don't Houses develop their own styles - one of the areas of activity.

More specifically, one of the iconic things could be a jacket. Zip or zip fastening. With any sleeve length - from a tank top to long sleeves. Most likely some monochrome color (black, grey, white) to start with, but maybe a color close to any season.
It can have various interesting elements - additional zippers, straps, hanging elements (like large / small fringe, some kind of short “tails”), fantasy runes or technological pattern / texture. In a more fantasy version, the jacket may consist of weaving belts of different widths, that is, have gaps in its structure. In a more technologically advanced one, have sewn-in reflective strips and metal parts.
The jacket can also have the symbol of the House (rather on the back, in the center), while the sign of Strength can be indicated on a more closed element of clothing (but not necessarily). Material - rather denim or leather / leatherette, possibly velveteen / microvelveteen.

September 15th. Day of initiation into context

QuestOn this day, take a walk to some place where you buy clothes. You just need to try on something from the elements of the wardrobe, close in class to those things that you thought up or looked at yesterday.
When you get home, find the artifact you found on Day 8 and put it on your grimoire diary. After that, the first two numbers that you hear later during the day become the number of your book and thus you awaken it.

On this day, I looked into the same Main Universal, from which I made a place of power earlier. There were two black leather jackets more or less similar to the intended image - one without sleeves, the other with. Quite simple, without any noticeable bells and whistles. There was not much to choose from, since for the most part the clothes were too large. I also noticed a brown, woody-leafy jacket, in general, such an autumn one. She also turned out to be my size, so I took her to the fitting room too. As a result, black ones are still more pleasant, the materials are more or less light, soft, but it is clear that the quality is rather average and somehow lacks flexibility.

Once at home, I put the ball on the book and went to watch some kind of stream, turn it on in the background. There, on the video, I heard the phrases “five minutes” and “twenty pieces”. Thus my grimoire awakened at number 52.

16 of September. Spirit Taming Day

QuestTake a walk. While walking, look for a small living creature or object that moves like a living thing. Also remember other interesting things and objects that will catch your eye.
When you return home, think of any creature that would be a mixture of a living being (or a moving object) you saw and another thing. Give the resulting pet a name.
If you are an Accumulator, you can instead take any two words, one of which is a certain creature, and the other is an inanimate object, and then mix them up in the same way and come up with a pet.

Today at a bus stop I saw a white dog, not too small, not too big, like a husky. Didn't get to look at it in detail. In the same place, in the distance, across the road, the mirrored surfaces of some new building gleamed.
All this made me a pet mirror dog, on the back of which there are small turrets-buildings with fireflies living in them. They will call him Echo.

17 September. Purposeful Achievement Day

QuestFind any available cards and draw one of them at random. These can be ordinary cards, collectible cards, tarot cards, something similar to a deck of cards, an application or a site that allows you to “pull out” a random card.
After looking at the dropped card, come up with an artifact for the Fairy, which symbolizes the images, meanings and other meanings of this card. Pick up a two-digit number for this artifact.

If I were at home that day, then the task would be easier - there are tons of mtg cards, a printed tarot deck, and ordinary cards. And so I had to look for a random map generator on the Internet. I chose a deck of major arcana tarot cards, pulled out a Lovers card.
Inside the Fairy, this card would point to the artifact Ring of Symphonies, which would translate the owner's internal state into the music sounding around him.

Symphony ring 29

18 September. Mystery History Day

QuestChoose one of the tasks you have already done, and repeat it in a new way.
If you are a Solvent, then instead of past tasks, you can choose one of the future ones and do it ahead of schedule today, while maintaining the ability to do or not do it in the future.

As a second task, I decided to choose the quest “the day of the search for another life” from September 12 - to transform some architectural structure, to come up with a race and a hero.

This time I started to look through the Prague buildings, but somehow there are too many interesting things and it was difficult to dwell on something specific. So I began to look further and skidded to India (Kandarya-Mahadeva temple):

Where does Fairy lead?
Where does Fairy lead?

Inside Fairy, it would be a castle-dock for flying ships, inhabited by the race kite-makers - creatures consisting of bones and a ball of snakes.

The hero of this race would be a hunter of necromancers (who have a certain power over representatives of this species, since they can partially be considered undead). The hero would be Accumulator from the House of Summer, named Khajura.

19 September. Smart Style Day

QuestOn this day, you awaken the Context adept's outfit that you designed on the 14th. Give it a two-digit number. Inside the Fairy, these clothes are intelligent and speaking.
Also, awaken the hero you created on the 10th by assigning any three-digit number to him.
Choose one of the places of power of your choice (created by you or other participants in the Context). There, the hero under your control finds the adept's clothes - take a calculator and multiply the number of the hero by the number of clothes. Look at the first three digits of the result and look at the concepts that are associated with the place of power where this event occurs. These numbers are a response to what happened - come up with your own interpretation of the event. Did the hero put on a thing, tore it, would talk with it - what did the associations tell you?

The clothes of the adept of the Context with the number 74 awaken, become intelligent and speaking. The heroine created on the 10th day also awakens - the doppelganger magician Ifra receives the number 511.

So, the heroine finds clothes by going to, say, Arkadrom.
73 X 511 = 37303
Judging by the meanings associated with the Arkadrom, the result stands for Prize-Bazaar-Prize.

In my opinion, the story happened as follows: walking along the floors of the entertainment center, the magician turned a little away from the neon lights, into a darker nook, where they traded in various authentic trinkets and other things. There, by chance, by the arm, she was hugged by a fantasy-looking jacket with patterns and runes hanging on a hanger. Ifra was surprised at first, but thought that it was just her imagination. Nevertheless, she liked the strange outfit and bought it. It was then that Ifra had to be really surprised when the thing asked the heroine if she was a sorceress.

20 September. Revaluation Day

QuestThink about which of the tasks done earlier turned out to be the most difficult (or not the most successful) and which was the most interesting.

Not to say that some task was very difficult, although the same walks to real places, of course, require more effort than others, including embedding them into your schedule. But in general, I even planned them not too difficult and there was no feeling of fatigue. The mood is another matter - for example, the day of travel to the guild on the 7th was remembered as not the most successful, because everything went a little wrong. Although it was full of memorable events.

Of the interesting tasks, I would note the search for unusual architecture, but since I already noted this in essence, choosing the second quest on the 18th, I will point out the task of the 6th day (search for new music for myself). It’s just that music tracks are somehow more strongly imprinted in memory than visual images, so finding some new melodies for yourself is a rather entertaining and memorable activity.

September 21. Day of the Necessary Appearance

QuestCome up with and describe in general terms a book, movie, or game that should exist in today's world, but for some reason doesn't exist.
If you are an Emitter, then instead or along with this, list those things that in modern books, films or games, in your opinion, are superfluous and should not be.

Movies / books / games that could have been, but they are not.
As for computer games, there were a lot of interesting titles with their own mechanics, features, technologies, but for some reason they don’t even make adequate remakes. For example, Kagero Deception, a game about a girl setting traps in the house and luring in them all kinds of robbers who break into the house. Or a game about a deity, like the one in the old Populous. Or about how the character moves into enemies like in Messiah. Sword fighting to just one accurate hit, like in Bushido Blade.

There is very little new in MMORPG, it all comes down to cloning a couple of the main examples of the genre. In addition, these games seem to strive to be very massive, while the game itself constantly separates you from your friends, because the levels of the characters do not match, respectively, different quests, different places of interest, and so on. And classes for small groups of two or three people are not thought out, on the contrary, you are constantly encouraged to climb into a crowd of strangers, because it’s easier to play that way. I would like innovation in all this.

In board games, I miss some kind of fantasy Monopoly. The very mechanics of walking in a circle is used in many places, but in order to be just as complex, it didn’t come across.
The worlds of the Magic: the Gathering collectible card had a lot going on, but so far there wasn't any world of music, which would be very interesting to see.

As for books and films. If you can still find some books about the magical school, then on the screen these are only the Potters, which I don’t really like. But there are zero other films in this concept, but the theme itself is fertile, I would like to see some alternatives.
I also miss the film adaptations of some of the other teen series, which are quite good, but may not be as widely known. Like such books as "Sky Labyrinth", "Who Wants to Become a Magician" and so on. Yes, even our authors, the same Bulychev with a cycle about Alice. For some reason, they don’t shoot now, but before that there were at least three films (if you count the series as one film) and a cartoon (even, like, two).
And still there is no normal full screen adaptation of the Baum cycle about the land of Oz.

September 22nd. Day of the road to the inexplicable

QuestGo to any place of power within reach and take with you a personal artifact awakened on day 8.
Once in place, somehow “apply” the artifact.
Then you can calculate the result of this action - to do this, multiply the artifact number by your birthday. The first three digits of the result indicate those concepts of the place of power, which explain what happened and what were the consequences.

I went to a place of power nearby, to the Arkadrom (that is, to GUM). There, behind the building, there used to be a wide area overgrown with low grass, but now everything is occupied by skyscrapers. And earlier it was easier to get through, now all kinds of stalls are crowded on the approaches.
He went out to the back platform, threw the ball-artifact. Then we look at what happened: the Ball of Desires (77) multiplied by my birthday (11) = 847. In the concepts of the Arkadrom, the answer is Sea-Competition-Bazaar. Apparently, the event would have happened as follows - something like a championship in various games or something else, arranged in this place.
By the way, it would be nice if the whole building (or at least one floor) would be set aside for a certain gaming club of interest. For meetings, events, tabletop and larger gaming sessions, open free play areas, maybe even combined with something like a library/bookstore. In a word, such a leisure center that everything is serious, beautiful, comprehensive and as accessible as possible for visitors.

Where does Fairy lead?
In the meantime, the concept of another place of power was thought up - a portal station. One of the stations of the Novosibirsk metro served as a prototype.

23 September. Breakthrough day of unreality

QuestOn this day, your very home becomes a place of power. Come up with a new name for it, how it looks inside the Fairy and pick up 9 corresponding concepts for it.
If you are from the House of Autumn, then in autumn you yourself project the aura of this place of power, even without being there territorially. That is, this place of power is always with you, during the autumn.

It was raining outside the window today, which in general helps to imagine how the paint is erased from reality and something unusual appears behind it.
So my house would be Antigravity Tower - they would have grown around, and stretched up and down the paths of stairs made of stone blocks, columns, rooms, covered balconies, passages, arches, railings, some vegetation, lanterns.
The walls of the rooms and passages would have been painted, somewhere covered with bas-reliefs. In places there would be paintings and various sculptures hanging in the air. In general, there would be many elements suspended in space that do not need support. Including composite doors that open like a flower when you need to go through. The design itself would combine fantasy and futuristic motifs.

The concepts of this place would be the following:

1. Warmth
2. Drawing
3. Magic
4. Birth
5. Melody
6. Darkness
7. Light
8. Communication8
9 Weightlessness

September 24th. Day of the Resurrecting Companion

QuestWhile at home, you awaken the pet you invented on September 16th by assigning a two-digit number to it.
Talk to the pet yourself - multiply your birthday by the number of the pet to find out what happened. The first three digits of the result indicate the concepts of the place of power in which you live, on the basis of which you come up with the outcome of the conversation.
Introduce your hero's pet, invented on the 10th and awakened on the 19th. To do this, also multiply them.

The previously invented mirror dog Echo awakens with the number 18.
I try to communicate with him. 11 X 18 = 198. In the concepts of the home place of power, this is Heat-Weightlessness-Connection. It seems that the pet likes it here and we understand each other. The dog probably communicates telepathically. The mirror skin is not cold to the touch.

Let's introduce the magician girl to the dog. 511 X 18 = 9198. Weightlessness-Heat-Weightlessness. The dog reacts in a friendly manner and wags its tail, causing particles of mirror dust to scatter around the room.

September 25th. Critical Day

QuestToday, three monsters with personal identifiers 15, 9 and 73 attack your home from unreality.
They can be resisted by you yourself, your hero, pet, grimoire, magic clothes and other entities awakened by you. Multiply them by monsters until there are pairs of identical numbers in the product digits (11, 22, 33, 44 and so on) - when this happens, the monster is defeated, and the first three digits of the result describe exactly how it happened.
If you can’t cope on your own, turn to other adepts for help - they can help you from a distance.
If you are a Transformer, then you reset one monster, add two digits to the second one, and you can swap the third digits.

So it's time for the three monsters to invade. You can first think what it was, focusing on the concept of a home place of power.

Monster number 15 (Heat-Melody) - musical. Suppose it is something like a snake, consisting of light threads vibrating in rhythm, like in an equalizer. Breathing pixel flames.
Monster number 9 (Weightlessness) is something humanoid, levitating, translucent.
Monster number 73 (Light-Magic) is a snow-white dragon covered in feathers with magical tattoos on its paws.

It turned out to be a normal company. Maybe they used to live here and want the tower back. Whatever it was, we must repel the invasion.

Well, first, a classic - we set the faithful dog on uninvited guests.

18 x 15 = 270. The dog tries to bite the first monster, but it turns out to be just empty lines of light.
18 X 9 = 162. The second monster, seeing the dog, simply goes into complete invisibility.
18 X 73 = 1314. The dragon scares away the pet with a scorching frosty magical breath.

The dog did not manage to cope with the attackers. You'll have to try it yourself. I'll use the Wishing Ball on them first.

77 X 15 = 1155. And here is the first victory. The ball generates a sound wave in the opposite rhythm to that of the musical kite. It begins to fade and shrink, fading, zeroing out and disappearing. Finally, he only manages to breathe in a pixel cloud.
77 X 9 = 693. I probably don’t see the second attacker now, therefore I don’t understand how to use the Ball.
77 X 73 = 5621. The dragon, apparently, having understood the magic of the Ball, uses a magical wave of rhythm itself, which temporarily extinguishes the light of the artifact.

Okay, I take out the magical grimoire, Mythworker, and try to use it.
52 X 9 = 468. With the help of the book, it turns out to remove complete invisibility from the second monster, but it is still semi-transparent and flies nearby.
52 X 73 = 3796. There was no more suitable magic in the book, but I cast a flight spell on myself, it will come in handy.

So, well, now that I can levitate myself, I'll try to drive out the attackers on my own.

11 x 9 = 99. Pretty obvious move. Second success. I catch up with the invisible ghost and he just flies away somewhere in the distance, leaving attempts to invade.
11 X 73 = 803. Flying up to the dragon, I suddenly clearly understand that I don’t want to attack him ... a very beautiful magical creature, with intelligent eyes. So I stop.

However, maybe the magical clothes will come up with something.

74 X 73 \u5402d XNUMX. And the clothes, by a magical command, open a musical portal above us, from where other helpers can come. In the meantime, inspiring music comes from there, spilling over the space around.

Through the portal, a magical girl, Ifra, comes to the tower.
511 X 73 = 37303. It was close. But she rather also looks at the dragon with sympathy.

Well, that's wonderful. Let's try to resolve everything peacefully. To show friendliness, I stroke the mirror dog while smiling at the dragon.
11 X 18 X 73 = And it works. The dragon starts talking to us. It turns out that he mistook us for hostile strangers who captured his tower, but in a conversation it turns out that this is also our house, and we have nothing against each other. The dragon in the end turns out to be even glad that it will be so boring and there is someone to guard the tower when he flies away on business. Thus the third monster becomes a friend.

September 26th. Focus Day

QuestToday, devote your free time to your own hobby or business that is important to you. Limit Internet browsing to a minimum or completely.

Today's task just coincided with a trip to nature. True, the weather was windy and not so warm, but still rest.

Where does Fairy lead?
Where does Fairy lead?

And in the evening I was already engaged in 3D modeling. I had to make models for my prototypes, prepare one scene for rendering, and I also wanted to sketch the concept of an anti-gravity tower (home place of power).

Where does Fairy lead?
I began to sketch the concept of the Tower in 3D

September 27. self-employment day

QuestBeing at any place of power, multiply your birthday by your own birthday, and then multiply the result by 27. The first three digits of the result indicate what you should do on this day or what you should pay attention to.

While at home, I multiply the required numbers.
11 X 11 X 27 = 3627. That is, Magic-Drawing-Melody. Here's what you want to do today.
It's basically like looking at art for inspiration. And yesterday the card Magic: the Gathering Arena was updated, so you can just collect interesting decks there - it also fits into the prescribed concept. Actually, this is what I wanted to do, and here the task clearly indicates this.
Also, watching a movie with magic, possibly drawn or musical, will fit in here. There, just a couple of the last episodes of the Dark Crystal remained unwatched.
As a result, I devoted more time to card magic, that is, to the Arena. I looked at the cards of the new Throne of Eldraine block, assembled and tested a milling blue deck (which wins by discarding all cards from the opponent’s deck).

28 September. Creativity Day

QuestThink back to your favorite books. Take the characters in one book and imagine them in another book. What would happen?

From some point on, my favorite books have become, and continue to be, the trilogy (although there are 6 volumes) of The Lord of the Rings and the Dune cycle (but only the classic six books).
And then it’s worth considering which characters of which work are much more interesting to transfer. I won’t dwell on the question of whether the work itself is suitable for other heroes, because this is not the essence of the task. However, I have something to say here. For example, I don’t perceive the continuation of the same Dune, because they are somehow empty, cardboard, and just full of all sorts of new, alien elements that destroy the atmosphere even more. Moreover, if we take another book by Herbert from the same time when the first parts of Dune, Hellstrom's Anthill, were written, then the Anthill community shown there ideologically has something in common with the Dune groups. But in a realistic setting, this community loses a lot of color, although it cannot be called a frank cliché either. But the sensations from the "Anthill" are completely different, everything is somehow reduced to everyday horror, like Belyaev's "Professor Dowell's Head".
This is all to the fact that the introduction of new elements into Dune requires accuracy, just like the concepts taken out of it may look more faded in a different environment.

As for the style of the works, the "Lord of the Rings" is quite linear, as they say, "road movie". That is, all the way we move along with the main character and in general the theme of the road, travel, overnight stays and halts along the way is very clear and pronounced here.
In Dune, we travel between the characters, look into their heads, see how they react to events, what decisions they make. The world at this time lives its own life, taking into account the actions of the heroes and the general course of history. The world often comes to the characters by itself, and their very physical movement is not always felt behind the course of reflection.

Based on the foregoing, it seems to me that the heroes of Dune would move more organically into the world of The Lord of the Rings, especially not individuals, but the societies themselves.

Although it would have worked out the other way around too, in the end the elves would have completely fit into the Sisterhood, the hobbits in appearance practically correspond to the Tleilaxu masters, and it is enough for people to replace swords with kris-knives this is what it sounds like) and put on disticombs. Any evil spirits can find shelter in the Guild of Navigators and on other planets. But in general, such a transfer rather adds characters to the world of space, spice and intrigue, without changing anything there (which in itself is not so bad).

But the communities and groups of "Dunes", moved to Middle-earth and imbued with the magic of these places, could give the local history a greater sense of globality, color, diversity. Although, it would seem, much more globally. But due to the "road" of the books themselves about the hobbits' journey through Middle-earth and their very charged epic, the world there seems to be more than it is.
The same guild of Navigators here could be some kind of outlandish race, traveling perhaps not in space, but in time. A specific sacred resource-drug and cults around it. The Society of the Sisters would have joined the ranks of the elves - all of them, or maybe it would have been some additional subspecies of elves. Night elves, dark elves, who knows. The Tleilaxu with their fakers and clones would also be at home here, only here it would be some kind of race experimenting with magic and / or illusions. As for the huge worm, Middle-earth is covered with forests, so it could be some kind of forest animal or spirit, or something like that. Actually, the forest in The Lord of the Rings is already quite alive - it is the Ents, and a more impersonal mystical magical ancient forest, where the hobbits were almost eaten by trees.

What is most interesting, more developed societies and their motives would allow us to come up with other linear plots for Middle-earth. Because there is a lot of color in the original story, but start writing a new storyline in the same world yourself - there is almost nothing to grab onto, except for the hobbits themselves, and they still rarely travel. Those about whom the book was about have a complete story, which there is not much point in continuing.
And so we would get more likely plots - a mysterious forest monster associated with ecology, and cults interacting with it. Different stories about how the elven community functions and responds to various challenges of the surrounding world. Renegade elves who oppose their clan's breeding program. Time travelers. Battles for possession of a sacred resource or control over a race of the same time travelers. In a word, there is room for improvement.

29 September. Energy Efficiency Day

QuestSet an alarm for 6-8 hours, go for a morning run or walk. Do some physical exercise during the day. Go to bed at 9-11 pm.

Everything is simple here - I got up at 6:30. At about 8 - jogging / training, a little more work out in the afternoon. Closer to 23 went to bed. And so, in general - other things, the surroundings and the weather did not at all contribute to the fulfillment of the task of this day.

September 30th. enlightenment day

QuestOn this day, cast a spell from your magical grimoire while at home. Multiply your birthday by the number of the book and figure out what happened.
After that, see how this spell would change if you were in any other places of power.

A month has flown by and the last task is left.
I leaf through the magic grimoire, picking up a spell. 11 X 52 = 572. Melody-Light-Drawing.
Apparently, I would cast a spell that visualizes the music, allowing you to see how it flows around and plays with forms.

I’ll run through the rest of the places of power, what would happen there?

Lair of the musical dragon - Myth-Beginning-Dragon. Actually, a spell to summon or awaken a dragon.

Magic school - Depth-Mystery-Nature. Spell of communication with flora and fauna.

Arkadrom - Electronics-Bazaar-Neon. A spell to create a technological device that does not appear out of thin air, but happens to be in store for you from some merchant.

Viva Rhapsody - Spirit-Meeting-Sun. A spell to transform into an elemental that emits light.

Elven Temple - Branch-Key-Awakening. A spell to restore natural objects and control their processes.

Extravaganza alternative

In addition to completing real "quests", he led a forum game where the same tasks could be performed by the characters of the players, somewhere inside their imaginary worlds. That is, here the tasks could be “passed” with the help of fantasy alone and not on your own behalf, but for a fictional character in a fictional environment.

There I had a character named Quasi, a shard of a mage from the multiplier race. This is such a race of beings, each representative of which exists in multiple twin bodies. And now Quasi is the last of his group of magical clone twins.

Where does Fairy lead?

My character started at a place of power called the Magic School. Also here, the mechanics of multiplying traits worked on an ongoing basis to calculate the results of actions, and in the starting location there were several objects with which you could interact. Thus, the player, in addition to inventing how the hero completes tasks, could also describe other stories that happen to the character.
Below you can read how it all looked like:

Beginning of Quasi historyDay one

Resting after another long journey and gaining strength, Quasi whiled away the time in the hospitable walls of the magic school, where a wide variety of creatures were trained in the magical arts. All of them, apparently, were mono-creatures, which made Quasi feel a little sad. Although, for some time now, he himself was a mono-creation - just a fragment of a multiplicat, the last surviving twin body. Although the cartoons did not have a single mind, the minds of each shard twin were independent, but they felt a special connection with each other, feeling and understanding a lot without words.

In the morning one of the masters looked into Quasi's room and suggested that they take a walk. The cartoon was delighted with the attention and they went to inspect the school. In one of the halls, a porter Beastman, pushing a cart loaded to the brim with books, dropped one of them as he passed Quasi and his guide. The Beastman didn't notice anything as he busily moved the cart forward. The quasi picked up the book and wanted to return it, but the master stopped him, carefully studied the white volume, flickering with blue sparks, and laughing, explained to the cartoon that it was a magic book and it had chosen its owner. Since it happened, now the book belongs to Quasi and he can keep it with him.

The light bulb face of the little magician lit up in surprise and he looked at the book he held in his hand. "Enchanting," was written on the cover, in magical runes. Under Quasi's gaze, the runes melted away and the symbol of the House of Autumn appeared on the cover. "Welcome to the Context," the magister said to the cartoon, and they moved on, discussing what had happened.

Day two

Quasi stood on the balcony of the school, looking through the small railing columns towards the mountains, where the dawn of a new day flared up. He could not get out of his head that strange place that he recently discovered in his wanderings - a castle entwined with greenery, hanging in the air. He located it there - behind those mountains and the little magician felt that he was irresistibly drawn to unravel the mystery of the origin of this amazing structure.

The hero "creates" a new place of power - the Flying Castle of Edemia

1. Air
2. Nature
3. Antiquity
4. Sky
5. Magic
6. Flight
7. Riddle
8. Negation
9. Failure

Perhaps you can find out something about the castle in the school library, the traveler decided.

62 (traveler) X 45 (library) = 2790 (Nature-Mystery-Reflection)

During a long search among the library shelves and passages, the cartoonist could not find anything, but after talking with the librarian, a cute blue-skinned elemental girl, he found the right row and found a mention of a flying castle in one of the encyclopedias. In the note dedicated to the flying Edentia, it was only said that it would not be possible to get to this place in the usual way, since the castle is enchanted, located inside a different space, and only its reflection is visible in the sky.

Day three

Sitting at a table in the library, Quasi leafed through volumes of encyclopedias, looking for more information about the flying castle.
“And there’s nothing,” he said with annoyance, pushing aside another thick book with a silver cover. "Architecture of the Mystics," it said in ornate, sunken letters. “Oh, and going back there is not a short path.
Suddenly, a sheaf of blue sparks splashed from the traveler's bag. Faced with various obstacles, the sparks smoothly bounced off them and dissolved in the air. The worried magician looked into the bag and saw that it was a magic book he had recently found sparkling.
Opening the Enchanter, Quasi saw a sparkling entry: "Spell of the Spectral Watcher." The explanatory text cited magical formulas and said that with their help you can become a ghost, being transported to places that have been preserved in memory. Rejoiced, the cartoon plunged into the study of formulas.
The spell was not so simple, however, Quasi checked everything carefully until he was sure that he understood the principle and could confidently use this type of magic. Taking up his magic staff, more often used to focus magical currents than as a source of magic itself, Quasi chanted the harmonies of the m-formula and twisted the staff in the air, describing a circle ...
Yes, he was standing there. In the middle of the forest, below, under the castle floating above. Looking at himself, Quasi saw that now he was, as it were, a ghost, consisting of translucent blue fields flowing into each other and intertwining changeable symbols. Having listened, and his hearing in this new form became sharper, the cartoonist caught the sounds of the murmur of water, and after looking closely, he realized that in some places behind the green foliage wrapping around the castle, streams of pouring water were visible. The world around began to melt and darken ...
Then the magician came to his senses, finding himself again in the library of the magical school.

In the concepts of Edentia, Air changes to Water.

Day four

On this day, the master found Quasi in one of the passage halls and offered to take part in the opening ceremony of the portal. The cartoonist blinked a light bulb with interest and agreed to participate in the event. The master in response handed him a small sprig of mountain ash, strewn with red berries. "It's for the ritual," he explained.

A little later, once in the hall of columns, Quasi saw the rest of the participants in the ceremony, located in a semicircle opposite a scattering of stones hanging in the air. All those gathered had rowan twigs in their hands, and the chief master held a rowan staff in his hands, on which shoots with leaves and berries made their way in some places. When everyone had gathered, he softly tapped his staff on the floor and began to chant the words of the spell. From the staff, concentric waves of magical energy began to slowly diverge, under their influence, the rowan leaves in the hands of those around them began to turn yellow and fall off the branches, breaking in the air into luminous dust swirling after the magical waves.
The master meanwhile moved forward and brought the staff closer to the stones. They flared up, the waves of magic flowing faster in the opposite direction, towards the staff, and after them flew rowan berries that fell from the branches, turning into iridescent orange bubbles before our eyes. Flying up to the staff, the flow of bubbles accelerated and swirled, turning into an oval passage hanging in the air, slightly trembling, of a translucent orange color. In the center of the resulting portal flaunted some kind of complex incomprehensible sign.

The Quasi pondered, assessing what was happening, and when he came to his senses, he saw that the assembled people were passing through the portal. Blinking the light bulb inquiringly, he looked at the familiar master: - What is it?
- This? - the master pointed towards the magical passage, - This is the way further, into autumn. But, if you're not ready yet, you can stay here at the gate for now. The students will go to autumn later, and the remaining guardians will live here for a long time before they leave the summer time and close the gates. You can take your time.
“No, no, I’m ready,” the little mage replied and resolutely headed towards the portal. “I’ll just get ready,” he remembered about his things and ran to his room.
- Wait, - the master called to him, and held out a large yellow sheet and a writing stick, - Sketch this image, you will need it for the transition.
The Quasi looked at the sign inside the portal and painstakingly drew it on the sheet he had received from the Magister.

Day five

Having moved to the magical school of the autumn period, Kwazi looked for his new room in a slightly changed building. He climbed a similar staircase, but did not see the familiar corridor with rooms there and went out into the passage, onto a long balcony strewn with reddish and reddish foliage. From here a wonderful view of the majestic fiery-red, slightly dormant forest opened up. After admiring and sighing, this beauty of withering still evoked a slight sadness, the magician walked further along the balcony and, passing one of the passages closed with bars, reached another, open one. Entering it, he found a familiar corridor and his new old room.
Inside, everything was like that, but not like that. The light became somehow more subdued, and the objects more sharp and textured. It was a little quieter than usual.
Settling down and arranging his belongings, Quasi brought out a fresh cake, the daily dessert, which he took off the table as he left. A small roll of paper was tied to it with white ribbons. The magician was about to untie them, and only now saw on the table of his new room another cake, exactly the same.
It was strange, from untied and unfolded the first paper message. It read: “Prophecy. Your color for today is blue. What you want to know, you will know.”
After reading it, Quasi unfolded the following. It was different: “Prediction. Your color for today is red. If you don't choose, you won't know."
"Predictions," muttered the bewildered cartoonist, "so what's there to believe?"
Nevertheless, he noted that today he got a double dessert and began to devour the cakes in his own special way - they themselves slowly crumbled into crumbs in his hands and floated to the face-lamp, turning into sparks of light at the moment they touched its glass surface.

Sixth day

During the night, Quasi suddenly awoke, and the faint light of his face illuminated the room. From somewhere along the corridor came the sounds of a quiet melody. It looks like it was a violin.
The magician got up from the bed, went to the door and opened it, listening. The music got louder and seemed to be coming from the street. She was pleasant and inspiring.
Having gathered, the interested cartoonist went out into the corridor, and from there to the balcony. The following picture opened up to his eyes: next to the grated passage above the balcony, a strange girl with a violin in her hands hung, swaying on transparent white wings. She played the violin in the moonlight.
This went on for some time. After listening, Quasi took a couple of steps and rustled the leaves. The enchanting music was immediately interrupted, the mysterious performer shuddered in fright, turned around and, seeing the magician, pressed the violin to her chest, after which she darted into the passage, which was supposed to be closed with a grate.
The Quasi waited, but she never reappeared. Then he decided to still come closer. When he approached that place, he saw that the bars of the lattice had become as if ghostly. Touching them, he saw that the hand passes through the obstacle. However, he wanted to sleep, and behind the bars in the dark the stranger was not visible - apparently, she ran further. So the magician returned, lay down in bed and tried to fall asleep again.

Seventh day

Looking at the students of the school who flew out to participate in the magic race, demonstrating the mastery of controlling magic power and magic items. The Quasi felt a certain uplift in spite of the cloudy dark sky. He saw so many magical things used as transport - there were magic carpets and brooms, wings woven from magic, little dragons. There was even one carved mortar and a flying mushroom that sneezed with sparkling pollen.
The fun was in full swing when the magician saw a messenger golem approaching him, wearing a green uniform cap. Such golems served the school - they delivered food, cleaned the premises, delivered messages, and so on. He held out an envelope. Quasi took the envelope, thanked the messenger and began to study what he had received. Inside was an invitation to the House of Summer, drawn in fine ink on a checkered sheet.
As soon as the magician thought about where he was invited, the sheet in his hands moved and began to fold in half, and then several more times, until it turned into a paper “crane”.
- So, what is next? the cartoon asked, not too surprised, but a little bewildered. The crane tilted its “head” and jumped across the floor. After a couple of jumps, he turned around. The Quasi hurried after him. Then the crane made a few more jumps, then decomposed again in the air and gathered already in the "airplane". The magician followed his paper guide until they went down to the courtyard of the magic school. There, the airplane hit a tree with a swing, causing leaf fall.
The magician shuddered, but peering, he saw that the checkered paper unfolded, becoming larger and larger, sticking around the tree trunk. When the lower part of the trunk was already completely wrapped in paper, approximately in the middle of the tree, the drawn cells began to expand, diverge in patterns and rebuild. So a polygonal figure was formed from them and then suddenly pressed sharply into the trunk, as if there was nothing there.
The quasii looked with curiosity into the paper opening - it turned out to be very deep, with paper steps going somewhere down and into the distance. The hero came closer and went inside, illuminating it with a light bulb face - there really was a passage extending somewhere further. Diamond structures began to form on the ceiling, stretching out towards the far end of the passage, lost in the twilight. Quasi went there...

That's all for me. Thank you for your attention.

Where does Fairy lead?

Source: habr.com

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