Linux Mint 20 will only be built for 64-bit systems

Linux Mint Distribution Developers сообщилиthat the next major release, built on the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS package base, will only support 64-bit systems. Build generation for 32-bit x86 systems will be discontinued. The release is expected in July or late June. Supported desktops include Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce.

Recall that Canonical stopped generating 32-bit installation builds back in Ubuntu 18.04, and in Ubuntu 20.04 intended completely stop building packages for the i386 architecture (including refusing to generate multiarch libraries required to run 32-bit applications in a 64-bit environment), but then revised its solution and provided for the assembly and delivery separate set 32-bit packages with libraries required to continue running legacy programs that remain 32-bit only or require 32-bit libraries.

The reason for deprecating support for the i386 architecture is the impossibility of maintaining packages at the level of other architectures supported by Ubuntu, for example, due to the inaccessibility of the latest developments in the field of improving security and protection against fundamental vulnerabilities such as Specter for 32-bit systems. Maintaining a package base for the i386 requires a lot of development and quality control resources, which are not justified by a small user base (the number of i386 systems is estimated at 1% of the total number of installed systems).


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