luastatus v0.5.0

A new version of luastatus, a universal status bar data generator that supports i3bar, dwm, lemonbar, etc., has been released. The program is written in C and distributed under the GNU LGPL v3 license.

Most tiled WM status bar data generators either update information on a timer (like conky) or require a signal to redraw (like i3status). Panels in desktop environments tend to update information instantly and automatically, just like luastatus.

luastatus allows the user to define logic for processing data from plugins written in C and shipped with luastatus using widgets written in Lua. Widgets can also handle events such as status bar clicks.

List of changes

  • The inotify and udev plugins have added a “push_timeout()” function that widgets can call.

  • Added support for timeout option in alsa plugin.

  • Added support for generating a list of files using glob expressions in the fs plugin (“globs” option); this can be used, for example, to display a list of mounted media and the fullness of their filesystems.

  • The battery-linux plugin has undergone many changes: it now uses udev rather than timer, and therefore can react to changes in charging status "instantly"; added support for “use_energy_full_design” option; and others.

  • Added support for monitoring the state of LED indicators (such as “Caps Lock” and “Num Lock”) in the xkb plugin.

  • New widget example: weather (dwm, i3).

  • Build scripts for Debian and distributions based on it have been added to the repository.


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