Little Charlotte and eared Ferry in the new trailers of the heroes of the fighting game Granblue Fantasy: Versus

Cygames and studio Arc System Works have released new character trailers for the upcoming fighting game Granblue Fantasy: Versus. Last time they presented Gran and Catalina. Now it's Charlotte and Ferry's turn.

Little Charlotte and eared Ferry in the new trailers of the heroes of the fighting game Granblue Fantasy: Versus

Charlotte's speed and power make up for her lack of range. She can read her opponent's actions with the Koning Schild ability, and the Noble Strategy skill interacts with various combos.

Ferry can use his ghostly friends to limit the opponent's actions. Her Ein Ball ability cuts off the opponent's hitpoints, and the summoned Gigi monster hits right on target.

In addition to the main mode, the game will offer RPG Mode, where Gran and other heroes fight in two-dimensional space against many enemies. Character skills can be upgraded and equipment replaced with more powerful ones. Below, for example, is the Yggdrasil boss fight.

In the story, chaos has descended upon the Realm of Heaven, leaving Gran with no choice but to fight against his former allies. In order to determine the source of evil and save his comrades, the airship "Grandcifer" takes off again into an unknown height. RPG Mode will offer dialogue and quests, as well as additional information about the mythology of Granblue Fantasy.

Fighting game Granblue Fantasy: Versus will be released in early 2020 on PlayStation 4.


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