Microsoft hints at a new version of Windows with "invisible" background updates

Microsoft has not officially confirmed the existence of the Windows Lite operating system. However, the software giant is hinting that this OS will appear in the future. For example, Nick Parker, corporate vice president of sales of consumer goods and devices Microsoft, speaking at the annual Computex 2019, spoke about how the developer sees a modern operating system. The official announcement of Windows Lite, which is rumored to be a lightweight version of the standard OS and is intended for use in devices with two displays and Chromebooks, did not take place. However, Mr. Parker talked about how Microsoft is preparing for the emergence of new types of devices.

Microsoft hints at a new version of Windows with "invisible" background updates

New devices will need what Microsoft calls a "modern OS" that includes a suite of "tools" such as continuous updates. Microsoft has talked about improving the Windows update process in the past, but now the software giant has said that "the modern OS update process runs silently in the background." This announcement represents a significant change from what we currently have in Windows 10.   

According to developers from Microsoft, a "modern OS" will provide a high level of security, and computing will be "separated from applications", which implies the use of cloud space. In addition, the corporation wants the OS to be able to function in fifth-generation (5G) communication networks, and also support various methods of data input, including voice, touch, using a special pen. The announcement also says that Microsoft intends to focus on "the use of cloud technologies that use the computing power of the cloud to improve the user experience with the OS." It's clear that Microsoft plans to bring smooth background updates, security improvements, 5G connectivity, cloud apps, and AI support to Windows Lite.


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