Microsoft removed Hot Reload functionality from open source .NET to ship only in Visual Studio 2022

Microsoft has moved to the practice of removing previously open source code from the .NET platform. In particular, the implementation of the Hot Reload function, which was originally proposed not only in the Visual Studio 6 2019 development environment (Preview 16.11), but also in the open dotnet watch utility ".

The reason for the deletion is the decision to only ship the feature in the commercial Visual Studio 2022 product in order to make it more attractive than the open source Visual Studio Code editor. It is noteworthy that on October 21, an addendum appeared in the Hot Reload announcement note stating that Hot Reload support will not be included in the .NET SDK 6 and all efforts are focusing on the development of Visual Studio 2022. After the appearance of user dissatisfaction, the note was removed, but returned after a while.

The Hot Reload feature provides the means to edit code on the fly while a program is running, allowing you to make changes without manually stopping execution and without attaching breakpoints. The developer could run the application under dotnet watch, after which the changes made to the code were automatically applied to the running application, which made it possible to immediately observe the result.

Independent developers attempted to revert to the repository the removed code that was already open source and was part of the .NET 6 RC1 preview release, but Microsoft did not allow this change, and also limited the ability to leave comments in the discussion. Microsoft's actions have caused outrage among community members who consider the issue of return to be fundamental and to understand whether the .NET platform is actually an open project or not. Another concern is that due to the presence of Visual Studio only for the Windows platform, the Hot Reload functionality will become unavailable for macOS and Linux.


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