Millions of Instagram user passwords available to Facebook employees

Only half a month has passed since almost one and a half hundred gigabytes of Facebook data were found on Amazon servers. But the company is still doing poorly with security. As it turns out, the passwords for millions of Instagram accounts were available for viewing by Facebook employees. This is a kind of addition to those millions of passwords that kept in text files without any protection.

Millions of Instagram user passwords available to Facebook employees

“Since this post [about passwords in text files] has been published, we have discovered additional Instagram password logs that are stored in a human-readable format. We estimate that this issue has affected millions of Instagram users. We will notify these users in the same way as others. Our investigation determined that the saved passwords were not used,” the company said.

At the same time, Facebook did not specify why this information was made public a month later. Perhaps this was done to divert public attention from the problem and “pull up” the publication by the time the Mueller report on Russian interference in the American elections was released.

As for the leak from Facebook, Pedro Canahuati, vice president of engineering, security and privacy at Facebook, reported the problem. Usually the company stores passwords in hashed form, but this time they were available openly. About 20 thousand employees had access to them.

And although Facebook claims that nothing bad has happened, the very fact of such a careless attitude to security raises quite healthy concerns. It seems that the company has already become an unkind tradition.


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