My solution is the best

Hey Habr! I bring to your attention the translation of the article "My solution is the best!" by John Hotterbeekx.

I recently watched a talk by a speaker on architecture. The conversation was engaging, the concept and idea definitely made sense, but the speaker didn't like it.

What happened?

More than half of the presentation was excellent, there were suitable examples, and the audience saw that the speaker knew exactly what he was doing. But the way the man talked about other people's decisions and methods clearly seemed wrong. He called them crappy platforms, was rude to people who still used solutions not from the report, calling the methods and methodologies that have been used by the entire IT community for more than one year, “big mistakes”. You probably already understood my attitude, during the presentation, examples of such things were constantly heard. Therefore, although the content was an A, his attitude towards other methods forced him to be disrespectful. This example, of course, is too crystallized, even extreme, and it made me think about it, why do people sometimes put their decision above someone else's, although they are not always so?

My solution is the best

My solution is better!

What is causing this behavior?

We know a sufficient number of technologies that a person can use in their work, and for most it seems that the method they have chosen is the best. This feeling is natural, it is part of human nature and reflects our passion for the subject or our choice. Although you may feel some uncertainty about the decision right after choosing a particular technology, but once you master it, this feeling will be replaced by a sense of passionate commitment. If you pay attention to yourself and your behavior when talking with others, you will notice that you will defend this choice with foam at the mouth. Doubt may soon appear, which may seem strange, but don't worry, you're all right, it's normal for a person.

open yourself

Who has not at least once participated in the discussion that Windows is better than Linux, IOS is better than Android, React is better than Angular? Everyone has done, is doing or will do this at least once in a while. I do not urge to abandon these discussions, try to open up. Try to put yourself in other people's shoes and try to accept that we don't know everything and other solutions may work just as well or even better. It's easy to judge something without working with it, and I think it all comes down to that passionate side of human nature that's in everyone. A thought that I find useful: “If a lot of people use something, then you will find useful things there.” Millions can't be wrong 🙂

There's no better solution

When we talk about this subject, there is one thing with a clearly growing trend: it is that each language, framework or other technical solution is aimed at different situations. I don't think this is so true. There is no "best" solution for a situation, at best there are options. Our capabilities in software development are too great, different solutions are too widely used, which makes it impossible to have a situation with the only best solution in existence. I think the more you learn about new technologies, the higher the chances of discovering that they are much more similar to each other than it seems at first glance.

What can we change?

Now, looking back at that presentation, what did the presenter do wrong? It's really easy, he could just say nothing about these things, because they added zero value to the presentation. And if the purpose of the report was to make it funny, you could try to just add a joke or at least say something without offending or humiliating others. Presenting the presentation in this way will generate enthusiasm and inspiration for the subject presented in the report. This subject will turn out to be the goal that the speaker would like to achieve. And not otherwise.

When considering daily work, one can start by trying to become aware of all that has been said, since awareness is the key to self-improvement. As I said, do not judge other people's methods and solutions, but try to look at it from a more logical or rational point of view. Then you will notice that if you agree more with the choices of others and acknowledge the lack of knowledge in this subject, others will also tend to open up, so you will learn much more.

I would like to end this article on a positive note and ask you to try to treat others with respect, you don't have to put others down to add value to your own idea or development. Your vision, your idea, your opinion deserve to be spread, they are strong enough to stand on their own!

Have you met such speakers at conferences? Are you fighting for your AP?


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