Mozilla, Google, Microsoft and Apple developed Speedometer 3.0 browser performance test

Six years since the last release, an updated tool for testing the performance and responsiveness of web browsers is presented - Speedometer 3.0, prepared jointly by Mozilla, Google, Microsoft and Apple. The key task of the test suite is to estimate delays when simulating user work with typical web applications.

Speedometer 3.0 was the first browser performance suite to be created jointly by competing browser engines Blink/V8, Gecko/SpiderMonkey, and WebKit/JavaScriptCore, who were able to develop a common testing policy. The Speedometer code is distributed under a BSD license and, starting in 2022, is developed according to a new project management model that involves collaborative decision-making with consensus. The repository is open for any interested parties to participate and contribute their ideas and corrections.

Speedometer 3.0 makes the transition to using new releases of the Angular, Backbone, jQuery, Lit, Preact, React, React+Redux, Svelte and Vue frameworks. Modern website design patterns and web applications are used, for example, the use of Webpack, Web Components and new methods of working with DOM. Tests have been added to evaluate rendering performance with the Canvas element, SVG generation, processing complex CSS, working with very large DOM trees, and using techniques used in WYSIWYG content editing and news sites.

The toolkit for running tests has expanded the range of browser operations that are taken into account when measuring the response to a user action, for example, not only the code execution time is measured, but also the rendering time and asynchronous execution of tasks. Tools have been prepared for browser developers to analyze the results of running tests, profiling and changing test parameters. The ability to create your own complex test launch scripts is provided.

Benchmarks used in Speedometer 3.0 to evaluate performance:

  • Adding, filling and deleting 100 notes using the TodoMVC task manager, implemented in options based on different web frameworks, DOM methods and versions of the ECMAScript standard. For example, TodoMVC options are launched based on the React, Angular, Vue, jQuery, WebComponents, Backbone, Preact, Svelte and Lit frameworks, as well as options that use advanced features introduced in the ECMAScript 5 and ECMAScript 6 specifications.
  • Edit text with markup in WYSIWYG mode using code editors CodeMirror and TipTap.
  • Loading and interacting with charts designed using the canvas element or generated in SVG format using the Observable Plot, chart.js and react-stockcharts libraries.
  • Page navigation and interaction with content on typical news sites that use the Next.js and Nuxt web frameworks.

When passing the Speedometer 3.0 test suite on macOS, Chrome (22.6) leads the way, followed by Firefox (20.7) and Safari (19.0). In the test conducted with the same browsers, Speedometer 2.1 won Safari (481), with Firefox slightly behind (478) and Chrome (404) noticeably behind. When running on Ubuntu 22.04, Chrome scored 13.5 and 234 points, and Firefox scored 12.1 and 186 points in Speedometer versions 3.0 and 2.1.


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