Mozilla will switch from IRC to Matrix and add a second DNS-over-HTTPS provider to Firefox

Mozilla has made a decision move to use a decentralized service for developers to communicate, built using an open platform Matrix. It was decided to launch the Matrix server using a hosting service

Matrix is ​​recognized as optimal for communication between Mozilla developers, as it is an open project, not tied to centralized servers and proprietary developments, uses open standards, provides end-to-end encryption, supports search and unlimited viewing of correspondence history, can be used to transfer files, send notifications, measure presence developer in online, organization of teleconferences, making voice and video calls.

Earlier for communication in Mozilla applied IRC, which was seen as a major barrier to newcomers joining discussions. In addition, the moral and technical obsolescence of the IRC protocol was noted, which in modern realities is not as convenient as we would like, is often blocked on firewalls and does not provide proper tools to protect against spam and communication violations.

Of the Mozilla-related events, one can also note добавление in Firefox an alternative provider for DNS over HTTPS (DoH, DNS over HTTPS). In addition to the CloudFlare DNS server (""), which was previously offered by default, the service will also be included in the settings. NextDNS, which also develops the eponymous proxy for DoH. Activate DoH and select provider can in the network connection settings.

Mozilla will switch from IRC to Matrix and add a second DNS-over-HTTPS provider to Firefox

To select DoH providers formed requirements for trustworthy DNS resolvers, according to which the DNS operator can use the data received for resolving only to ensure the operation of the service, must not store logs for more than 24 hours, cannot transfer data to third parties, and must disclose information about data processing methods. The service must also commit not to censor, filter, interfere with, or block DNS traffic, except as required by law.

Notably, one ( of the two IP addresses associated with Firefox's proposed DoH server,, included в lists blocking Roskomnadzor at the request of the Stavropol court dated 10.06.2013.


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