Mozilla conducts survey to optimize community collaboration

Until May 3, Mozilla is holding interviewaimed at better understanding the needs of the communities and projects that Mozilla collaborates with or supports. During the survey, it is planned to clarify the area of ​​interest and features of the current activities of the project participants (contributor), as well as to establish a feedback channel. The results of the survey will help shape a further strategy for improving Mozilla's collaborative development processes and engaging like-minded people to collaborate.

Preface to the survey itself:

Hello Mozilla friends.

We are working on a research project to better understand communities at Mozilla and projects hosted or sponsored by Mozilla.

Our goal is to better understand the communities and networks that Mozilla works with. Keeping track of the contributor's current activities and areas of interest over time should help us move towards this goal. This is data that we have not historically collected, but which we might wish to collect, with your permission.

Mozilla has often asked people in the past to take the time to provide feedback, and may even have reached out to you recently. We also did project research by looking at contributions in the past, without evaluating the results or publishing them. This project is different. It's broader than anything we've done, it will guide Mozilla's strategy for open practices, and we'll publish the results. We hope this encourages your participation.

We welcome feedback on the survey and the project. If you want to know more about this project, see the announcement at discourse.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Any personal data you submit as part of this survey will be processed in accordance with Mozilla Privacy Policy.


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