Thousands of fake product reviews found on Amazon

Online sources report that thousands of fake reviews and testimonials for products of various categories have been found on the Amazon marketplace. These results came from researchers from the American Consumer Association Which?. They analyzed reviews related to hundreds of products available for purchase on Amazon. Based on the work done, it was concluded that false reviews help unknown brands compete with trusted companies.

Thousands of fake product reviews found on Amazon

Researchers from the consumer organization Which? say that the various products sold on Amazon have tens of thousands of unverified reviews. The specialists could not find any traces of the fact that people leaving positive reviews purchased the product being evaluated.

The researchers processed data on 14 types of products, including smart watches, headphones and other wearable electronics. The first page of the headphone search, sorted by the most positive reviews, surprised the researchers. The fact is that absolutely all the goods presented on it were produced by companies that technical experts have never heard of. Even though 71% of products had the highest user rating, almost 90% of all reviews were unverified. As a result, it took specialists only a few hours to discover more than 10 comments from unverified buyers on dozens of different products. The researchers believe that the result of their work clearly demonstrates the problem that has arisen due to the huge number of fake reviews.  

Amazon officials said that the company is investing in the development of tools that will protect buyers from fake reviews. They confirmed that Amazon considers it unacceptable to post fake reviews and testimonials. The company continues to adhere to clear principles regarding interaction with sales partners and reviewers. In case of non-compliance with the established rules, violators are punished.

Recall that earlier Amazon limited the number of reviews, which can be left by one user. In addition, not so long ago, the US Federal Trade Commission for the first time held accountable campaign for posting fake reviews on Amazon.


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