Based on Sway, a port of the LXQt user environment is being developed that supports Wayland

The developments of the lxqt-sway project, which is engaged in porting the components of the LXQt user shell to work in the Sway environment and the composite manager using the Wayland protocol, have been published. In its current form, the project resembles a hybrid of two environments. LXQt settings are converted into a Sway configuration file.

Additional menus have been implemented to perform operations such as changing the virtual desktop, splitting and closing windows, making it easier to manage windows and make work more understandable for users who are used to the classic window layout, rather than the tiled layout used in Sway with control using keyboards.

An attempt has been made, but not yet completed, to port the lxqt-panel panel, which they tried to adapt for Sway using the layer-shell-qt plugin from the KDE project. Instead of lxqt-panel, lxqt-sway currently offers its own simple yatbfw panel, written while learning the Wayland protocol.

Based on Sway, a port of the LXQt user environment is being developed that supports Wayland

The implementation of Wayland in the main part of LXQt is still stalling in place, despite long-term plans. However, there is a separate LWQt project that develops a wayland-based variant of the LXQt shell that uses the Mutter composite manager and the QtWayland Qt module.


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