On board another Russian remote sensing satellite, there were failures

The other day we Reportedthat the Russian satellite for remote sensing of the Earth (ERS) "Meteor-M" No. 2 failed several on-board instruments. And now it became known that a failure was recorded in another domestic remote sensing device.

We are talking about the Elektro-L satellite No. 2, which is part of the Electro geostationary hydrometeorological space system. The device was launched into orbit in December 2015.

On board another Russian remote sensing satellite, there were failures

About the problems with the on-board equipment "Electro-L" No. 2, according to the online publication "RIA Novosti", the Scientific Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology "Planet" informed.

It is said that at present the main scientific instrument "Electro-L" No. 2, a multi-zone geostationary scanning device (MSU-GS), is working with limitations, designed to obtain multispectral images of clouds and the Earth's surface. The reason for the failure is the inoperability of the channel with a spectral range of 12 micrometers. Nothing is reported about the possibility of restoring the system's performance.

On board another Russian remote sensing satellite, there were failures

It should be noted that in the coming years, the Electro group should be replenished with three more devices. So, in December this year after a series of delays the Elektro-L satellite No. 3 should go into orbit. For 2021 and 2022. the launch of the Elektro-L No. 4 and Elektro-L No. 5 devices is planned. 

Source: 3dnews.ru

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