Star Citizen's largest ship, the Anvil Carrack, was unveiled at CitizenCon

At Star Citizen's annual CitizenCon event this year, Cloud Imperium Games revealed the highly anticipated Anvil Carrack, the top of the research tree (currently). Equipped with advanced sensor equipment to find and navigate new jump points, it is expected to be able to spend long periods of time in space.

Star Citizen's largest ship, the Anvil Carrack, was unveiled at CitizenCon

The interior of the Anvil Carrack was shown at the event. The ship contains Anvil Pisces, a small research vessel. In the Star Citizen universe, jump points vary in size, so Pisces can be useful where larger vehicles cannot fly.

Next, viewers are shown entering the atmosphere of the planet Stanton IV (better known as microTech), into the new New Babbage landing zone. microTech is the name of the corporation that, according to Star Citizen mythology, bought the planet from the UEE. microTech is one of the megacorporations in the game's universe and produces the ubiquitous mobiGlas wrist-mounted computers, which provide mission information and an inventory management system.

In the story, the UEE's terraforming was not working correctly, so a large, centralized, domed structure was created - the New Babbage. Cloud Imperium Games will probably share materials from the event later, but to get an idea of ​​what the structure looks like, you can watch the video below.

Star Citizen has been in development since 2012.


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