Dangerous "public transport" appeared on Google maps

Google digital maps help people get to their destination by car, train, public transport, bicycle or on foot every day. However, not everyone has the experience of driving a vehicle through the streets of famous cities, much less a bus, to pick up random strangers for fun and profit.

Dangerous "public transport" appeared on Google maps

Google has turned this dream into reality: now everyone can pick up passengers in places they have never been and increase the size of their bus. Of course, we are talking about the game "Snake", which will be available in the application on Android and iOS for about a week. Well, for those who imperceptibly become strongly attached to the classic game of the 90s with color pixel graphics, Google launched a special site where the absorption of passengers (let's hope that they live in a world similar to that shown in the Ralph cartoon) and even world attractions will continue long after April Fool's Day.

You can play on the world map, as well as in Cairo, London, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Sydney and Tokyo. To release a gluttonous bus on the streets of cities, just launch the Google Maps application, tap the menu icon in the upper left corner (it has changed to attract attention), then select the "Play Snake" item.

Dangerous "public transport" appeared on Google maps

The rules are well-known: grow, dodge your own immense body and do not try to hide outside the allotted zone. I would not want to prematurely upset new fans of the game, but its result is always the same - death from gluttony. Touch control in the application has been replaced on the site with a mouse or keyboard keys, which, with proper training, can show extraordinary dexterity.

And here's what's more important: a collision with monuments like Big Ben, the Great Sphinx of Giza and the Eiffel Tower do not cause damage to the bus, but rather give bonus points.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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