Recruitment for the JetBrains master's program at ITMO University

Company JetBrains ΠΈ ITMO University announce admission to the Master's program "Software Development / Software Engineering" for the 2019-2021 academic years.

We invite undergraduate graduates to get up-to-date knowledge in the field of programming and computer science.

Recruitment for the JetBrains master's program at ITMO University

Training program

The first semester consists mainly of "basic" courses, which study algorithms, databases, programming languages, functional programming, etc. Students come to the master's program already with some knowledge in the field of software development, but intensive basic courses will fill in the gaps and lay the foundation needed for further learning.

In the second and third semesters, students continue to study compulsory disciplines, but specialized courses are added to the curriculum in one of the areas that students choose on their own after the first semester:

  • industrial software development,
  • machine learning,
  • theory of programming languages,
  • data analysis in bioinformatics (in 2019, there will be no recruitment for the direction of bioinformatics).

The fourth semester is devoted to work on the diploma. There are no required courses, but you must choose at least three subjects from an extensive list of electives, which includes image analysis, semantics of programming languages, mobile development, and others.

The program is dense, but there is nothing superfluous in it: even non-core courses teach the skills needed in the modern IT industry. For example, classes on emotional intelligence, creative technologies (online course) and English will help you learn how to communicate effectively with other team members.

Recruitment for the JetBrains master's program at ITMO University


Practical classes are an important part of studying in the magistracy. In addition to the classic seminar classes, students choose a learning project at the beginning of each semester and work on its development for several months under the guidance of teachers, JetBrains employees or partner companies, and report the results at the end of the semester. In the course of such work, students learn to apply their theoretical knowledge, master modern technologies and gain development experience in conditions as close as possible to real ones. Many projects are directly related to the current development of company products.

Learning process


Master's students are paid an additional sponsorship scholarship, the organizers help with trips to competitions, conferences and other educational events.


Almost all classes are held at the JetBrains office near the Kantemirovskiy Bridge (Kantemirovskaya st., 2). Students have at their disposal a kitchen where they can relax between classes, drink tea or coffee and warm up food, as well as a student room for working on homework and projects.

Recruitment for the JetBrains master's program at ITMO University


In the first and second semesters, all students must participate in the hackathon - DevDays during the week. The guys themselves come up with projects, unite in teams and distribute roles. At the end of the working week - the presentation of the results, the selection of winners, the presentation of prizes and pizza.

Recruitment for the JetBrains master's program at ITMO University


Among the teachers of the master's program are active scientists and developers of large IT companies in St. Petersburg. Graduates actively participate in the educational process: they check homework and conduct practical classes for freshmen.


For non-resident students, a place is provided in the dormitory of ITMO University.


Future applicants should take into account that classes are held four days a week for four or five pairs, one more day is allocated for work on the project. The rest of the time is spent doing homework. Due to the high workload, it will not work to combine training with work (even part-time).


The main organizers of the program are the company JetBrains ΠΈ ITMO University. The main partner of the program is Yandex.

The program is organized in collaboration with Computer Science Center.

University Application

For admission to the master's program, you must successfully pass an online test and a face-to-face entrance test. Documents are submitted as standard at the ITMO University Admissions Office.

Online test

Consists of 10-12 tasks in mathematics and programming on the Stepik platform. It can be passed before the official submission of documents. The purpose of the test is to determine the level of the applicant and to understand whether his knowledge is sufficient for the next stage of the admission campaign. The test does not imply special training: the tasks test knowledge of the material of the courses that are included in the bachelor's program of any technical specialties.

Full-time entrance test

Within an hour, the applicant needs to answer two theoretical questions in writing and solve several problems. Then, at a half-hour interview, curators and teachers will discuss answers and solutions with applicants and ask additional questions on other sections of mathematics and programming from programs for admission. During the conversation, we will also talk about motivation: why this particular master's program is interesting, how much time the applicant plans to devote to studying and whether he is ready not to work in the next two years.

For detailed information about the admission process, examples of questions and tasks of the full-time admissions test, look at magistracy website.


We will be happy to answer your questions by mail [email protected] or telegram chat.

Come for knowledge! It will be difficult, but very interesting πŸ™‚

Recruitment for the JetBrains master's program at ITMO University


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