Found new ways to track the enabled incognito mode in Google Chrome 76

With the release of Google Chrome 76, the company corrected an issue that allowed websites to track if a visitor was using incognito mode. But, unfortunately, the fix did not solve the problem. Were detected two other methods that can still be used to track the regime.

Found new ways to track the enabled incognito mode in Google Chrome 76

Previously, the capabilities of the Chrome file system API were used for this. Simply put, if the site could access the API, then browsing was normal. If not, go incognito. This was used to view paid articles and bypass the paywall system.

Google changed the mechanism by moving data from disk to RAM. But, as it turned out, this is not enough. It turned out that Chrome is allocating storage for the file system in temporary memory. At the same time, the maximum volume is 120 MB, which allows you to track the activity of the incognito mode with a fairly high accuracy. At the same time, sites have already begun to use this method.

Found new ways to track the enabled incognito mode in Google Chrome 76

The second way is based on speed. As you know, RAM provides a higher exchange rate than HDD and SSD, so writing data to the browser's file system will go faster. Based on this, a website could theoretically determine if the browser is using incognito mode. Although tracking the speed and calculating the differences can take time.

Google said it is working to fix issues with any other current or future incognito mode detection tools. The war continues.


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