Violence, torture and scenes with children - description of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare story company from the ESRB

ESRB rating agency appreciated story company Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and rated "M" (from 17 years old). The organization reported that there is a lot of violence in the narrative, the need to make moral choices in a limited time, torture and executions. And in some scenes you have to confront the children.

Violence, torture and scenes with children - description of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare story company from the ESRB

In the upcoming CoD, the main characters will use different methods to achieve the goal. One scene shows torture using water, the second shows a man being threatened with a gun for information, the third shows mass deaths from gas, including the death of children. The cruel fragments of the narrative also include the consequences of the activities of suicide bombers, and when firing from heavy weapons, various parts, including the head, come off the bodies of enemies.

Violence, torture and scenes with children - description of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare story company from the ESRB

For sure, in the plot of the new Modern Warfare, one of the most impressive scenes will be the participation of children in hostilities. According to the ESRB, one of the moments shows a guy holding a hostage at gunpoint, and the second shows the twins trying to fight off enemies. And in the game, users will have to quickly determine whether a terrorist is standing in front of them or an ordinary civilian. The shooter also contains dialogues, and some of the lines cause prisoners to be executed.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will release on October 25, 2019 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. In the Russian segment of the PS Store, the game won't spread.


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