The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr tabletop campaign was plagiarized

Bethesda Softworks has released a promotional tabletop RPG campaign to celebrate the release of The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr. But there was an interesting catch: experienced Dungeons & Dragons players immediately saw the similarities between the Bethesda Softworks campaign and the one published by Wizards of the Coast back in 2016.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr tabletop campaign was plagiarized

Tabletop campaign The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr was published by Bethesda Softworks on Facebook. Then, when Dungeons & Dragons fans noticed the resemblance to The Black Road by Paige Leitman and Ben Heisler, the company removed the post.

Page later posted on Facebook a comparison of the two campaigns. Here is an excerpt from The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr:

β€œTraveling through the Elsweyr desert is slow, hot, and full of sizzling heat from the sun. There are no clouds or water. Kal'rim likes to start moving well before dawn, when the sun's brilliance makes the dunes look like diamonds" ("Traveling in the Elsweyr Desert is slow, hot and full of sizzling heat from the sun. There are no clouds, no promise of water. Kal 'reem likes to start moving well before sunrise, when the full glory of the sun makes the dunes look like diamonds.").

And here is an excerpt from the "Black Road":

β€œThe journey through the Anauroch desert is slow, hot and full of scorching sun. There are no clouds, no hint of water. Azam likes to start moving long before sunrise when the full moon makes the dunes look like diamond mountains" ("Travel in the Anauroch desert is slow, hot, and full of blistering sun. There are no clouds, no promise of water anywhere. Azam likes to start moving well before sunrise, when the moon's full glory makes the dunes look like mountains of diamonds.").

But then the screenwriter deleted her message.

Leitman told Ars Technica that she "does not have a comment until both authors have the opportunity to fully discuss this and understand the differences." Meanwhile, Bethesda Softworks posted on Facebook new post The company is investigating the incident.

β€œThanks again to everyone who highlighted the issue of alleged plagiarism in connection with the promotion of the tabletop RPG The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr. Our intention was to create and release a unique Elsweyr-inspired scenario that could be played in any popular tabletop RPG rule set. We requested that an original script be created and are investigating why this is not the case. We have removed all material related to this and ask, out of respect for the creator of the original script, that it not be distributed. Finally, to avoid confusion, please note that there is no connection between this scenario and what will eventually appear in the game,” wrote a representative of Bethesda Softworks.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr is set to launch on May 20 on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.


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