Apple AirPods continue to work after being in the human stomach

Taiwanese resident Ben Hsu was stunned when he discovered that an AirPods he accidentally swallowed continued to work in his stomach.    

Network sources report that Ben Hsu fell asleep while listening to music on Apple AirPods wireless headphones. When he woke up, he could not find one of them for a long time. Using the tracking function, he determined that the earpiece was in his room and continued to work. Moreover, the young man even heard the sound made by the device, but could not understand where it came from. After some time, he realized that the sound was coming from his stomach, that is, the earpiece continued to work normally while in his stomach.   

Apple AirPods continue to work after being in the human stomach

Despite the fact that Ben did not experience discomfort, he decided to seek help from a local hospital. Medical workers took an X-ray, which confirmed that the earpiece was in the digestive system. Moreover, the doctor said that if the foreign object does not leave the body naturally, then surgical intervention will be required to remove it.

Fortunately for the young man, the operation was avoided. What was his surprise when, having washed and dried the earpiece, he found that he continued to work. It turned out that the earpiece was not damaged and is quite suitable for further use.

The medical worker who took Ben said that the plastic shell of the earpiece protected the device from negative impact. It is also noted that the open interaction of the stomach with a lithium-ion battery could lead to serious consequences for the patient.


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