No more than an hour a day: in the Japanese prefecture of Kagawa, children's time in games was limited

In mid-January 2020, the authorities of the Japanese prefecture of Kagawa expressed their the desire to limit the time children spend playing video games. With this method, the government decided to fight the addiction to the Internet and interactive entertainment among young people. The other day, the authorities confirmed their intentions by adopting a rule that prohibits underage citizens from playing games for more than one hour a day.

No more than an hour a day: in the Japanese prefecture of Kagawa, children's time in games was limited

The Kagawa Prefectural Council also ruled that teenagers should not run games after 22:00 pm local time, and younger children before 21:00 pm. On holidays, young people are allowed to have fun for 90 minutes. How the portal transmits Kotaku with reference to the source, the implementation of the adopted "regulation on the prevention of Internet addiction" falls on the shoulders of parents and guardians. The authorities cannot control children, so citizens will not receive fines for non-compliance with the terms of the rule. In fact, the authorities in Kagawa issued a recommendation, which families are free to follow at their discretion.

No more than an hour a day: in the Japanese prefecture of Kagawa, children's time in games was limited

Similar restrictions in autumn 2019 were accepted in China and related to online games. Unlike Kagawa prefecture, in the territory of the Celestial Empire, all residents must observe them. The state authorities have decided that children can spend 90 minutes in multiplayer projects on weekdays and up to three hours on weekends and holidays. Restrictions also affected microtransactions: users under 16 were allowed to spend no more than 200 yuan ($29) on in-game purchases, and children from 16 to 18 years old could spend no more than 400 yuan ($58). The Chinese government explained the decision by concern for the physical and mental health of young people.


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