Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest

Today Deniskin informed Habr users about the start of rebranding, and I decided to do the same, but with warm lamp memories and a contest. As they say, welcome under cat,% username%.

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest

Let's get nostalgic

Start with the Old Testament "Everything returns to normal" ...? Mm no, not the best idea. Or maybe with the version that history develops in a spiral? Although it’s also so-so ... Okay, no matter how the story develops, this post will still come down to the main thing: Habr is going into a single whole.

If you do not understand what we are talking about, let's recall a couple of episodes from the history of Habr. Once upon a time, it had a tiny q&a section, the growth of which was severely limited by closed registration. This is how appeared - an independent service of questions and answers. By the way, before this “Toaster” our conferences were called, and even earlier the domain was completely belonged to Artemy Lebedev.

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
Spoiler full of nostalgiaUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
q&a section on Habré

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + ContestUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
Our first .toaster, more about conferences.

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + ContestUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
Reincarnation of the Toaster in the service of questions and answers. Hello everyone from the vertical menu!
Also, almost from the start on Habré there was a section “Oh, work!” with vacancies - later it evolved into, and a little later - into (Brain Storage). And relatively recently, by the standards of history - in the My Circle project, which has become one of the titans of the HR sphere. 

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
Spoiler full of nostalgiaUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + ContestUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
Oh, work on Habré, already in 2006!

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + ContestUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
Then there was Khantim

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + ContestUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
Which merged with the parallel project Brainstorage and became ...

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
… into the elegant My Circle. And from December 12 Habr Career

By the way, there was once a section of events on Habré, but I almost let it slip now. But there have never been sections on remote work, but this did not prevent another resource from being born. Freelance is a service that appeared spontaneously, but complemented other projects so harmoniously and fell in love with users that it is now a full member of the Habrafamily.

Spoiler full of nostalgiaUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + ContestUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
First and sudden appearance

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + ContestUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
Second coming

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + ContestUnofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest
In any incomprehensible situation, do a redesign
All these projects were "satellites" of Habr, like satellites around Jupiter. And they developed primarily due to traffic from this project: the user was reading the article on the front-end and involuntarily stumbled upon a block with relevant vacancies, which he opened in new “just to look” tabs. 

For convenience, we even made a TM ID service designed to combine all projects with one account - if at first it seemed something unusual, now it would be uncomfortable without this function.

A whole zoo of projects and technologies… Support each one, remake it into another language… Here even Chuck Norris would involuntarily twitch both eyes. 

in english plz

And one day we decided to try to make Habr in English. In the sense not only that the interface language changes, but that it is direct fully. We began to think and draw schematics - how to do it all better. And they came to the conclusion that if we were to enter the foreign market, then only with one large locomotive-icebreaker named Habr on board, and not with a scattering of even related projects.

The first victim of this plan was Giktimes - another unmentioned "satellite" of Habr, a content science-pop project. He felt great and showed great promise, but translating two venues into English would have been more than twice as difficult. Therefore, at one point Giktimes back to where it came from - to Habr, becoming a separate stream.

After association projects, we began to prepare Habr for expansion and declared community our plans for the future. Even was post about the fact that this quest took not 5 minutes - it took almost a year for all the revisions. For all of us, this is a colossal experience with our own rake - not every project can boast of this. The idea touched on everything in general: the structure of the database and documentation, domains and help, search engine optimization and interface ... And even then it became clear that rebranding would also not do.


I don’t know about you, but my first association with the word “rebranding” is the egg-shaped logo of a group of companies from the telecom sector. We were faced with a more difficult task - to work out a "new look" that would suit all our projects, but to remain recognizable. Not just another redesign, not a new identity for merchandise, but rather the “backbone” of Habr, which in the future will have to harmoniously “grow meat” with other projects.

We decided to follow the path of the “giants”, when at the beginning there is a brand, and behind it, through a certain separator, is the name of the project. A couple of famous examples: Yandex.Music and Yandex.Navigator, [email protected] and [email protected]. Tried this way and that, settled on the variant of the separator in the form of a space. 

Therefore, from today, Habr remains the starting point of all our projects, but they all become part of the brand and move to live under its “wing”:

  • "My Circle" turns into an elegant Habr Career and moves to
  • "Toaster" becomes Habr Q&A and becomes available at (at first they wanted a shorter, but there would have been a conflict with the testers).
  • Freelancing turns into Habr Freelance (

No, this is not just a renaming of projects - this is the first step towards building a "food processor" and closer integration of services with each other. Such an ecosystem will allow any IT specialist to grow: to upgrade their knowledge, solve a technical issue, find a job or a part-time job. 

Habr Contest

I don’t want to stop - let's dream up ideas for new Habr products. You never know.

How to take part

Suggest an idea for a service that could become part of the Habr ecosystem. Serious or not, but with the spirit of a new naming - starting with Habr Conferences and ending with Habr Escort. The idea must be described in such a way that we “bought”. 

Where to send options

Write the option directly in the comments (on Habré or in social networks under the post), indicate in the text: 

  1. Service name (for example, Habr Pizza)
  2. Its purpose (for example, pizza delivery on flying saucers).

You can describe the idea in a nutshell, you can describe it in detail, and someone can even make a prototype or shoot a video. Creativity is welcome!

Unofficial post about the rebranding of Habr + Contest


A UFO flew in and decided to insulate the three winners with new sweatshirts with the symbols of Habr. Not all employees have these yet. 


The competition has just started and will last until the end of the year - after the chiming clock (according to Moscow time) options will not be accepted. The winners will be chosen by the team and announced in early January. 

Read the "official" version of this post (without warm lamp screenshots)


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