Despite the release of the PlayStation 5, the most popular console in the Christmas sale will be Switch

Ahead of the launch of the PlayStation 5, a Japanese industry company is predicting that the Nintendo Switch will triumph over the highly anticipated Sony console. The 2020 holiday season is just around the corner and many are looking forward to the PS5 launch. But according to analysts, the PlayStation 5 (and Xbox Series X) may not be able to outsell the time-tested variant in the final months of this year.

Despite the release of the PlayStation 5, the most popular console in the Christmas sale will be Switch

According to a paper from research arm Ace Securities Co. (asset management firms), the Nintendo Switch will outsell the new PS5 significantly. There are several reasons why the Switch should outperform Sony's next-generation console, analysts say.

Despite the release of the PlayStation 5, the most popular console in the Christmas sale will be Switch

Nintendo is growing its profits by about 10% per year, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, the company managed to increase its numbers by 48% compared to the same period in 2019. At the same time, there was a noticeable shortage of Nintendo Switch in retail and digital stores around the world. Analysts say that as Switch production ramps up, demand will still remain high, and soon large batches of Switch consoles will begin to return to stores around the world in preparation for the pre-Christmas sale season.

Despite the release of the PlayStation 5, the most popular console in the Christmas sale will be Switch

It's also important to note that the Nintendo Switch retails for a suggested retail price of $299,99, while the more portable Switch Lite variant goes for $199,99. Both devices can be carried and played anywhere, and the Nintendo Switch library itself now contains a huge number of excellent quality offerings, some of which offer cross-platform play functionality with PlayStation, Xbox and PC consoles.

Despite the release of the PlayStation 5, the most popular console in the Christmas sale will be Switch

The Switch will certainly prove to be a more affordable product than the PS5, which is rumored to have a base price of $499,99 or more. The PlayStation 5 doesn't yet have an official release date or suggested retail price, but it's believed sales will start around November.



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