nginx 1.17.1

nginx 1.17.1 has been released. 1.17 is the current mainline branch of nginx, the web server is actively developed in this branch. The current stable branch of nginx is 1.16. The first, and so far the last, release of this thread was on April 23

  • Addendum: Directive limit_req_dry_run.
  • Addendum: when using the directive hash in the block upstream an empty hash key now causes a switch to round-robin balancing. Thanks Niklas Keller.
  • Bug Fix: A segmentation fault could occur in a worker process if caching and the directive image_filter, and errors with code 415 were redirected using the error_page directive; The bug appeared in 1.11.10.
  • Bugfix: a segmentation fault could occur in a worker process if an embedded perl was used; the bug appeared in 1.7.3.


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