nginx 1.19.1

Nginx 1.19.1 has been released, the next release in the current mainline branch of the nginx web server. The mainline branch is under active development, while the current stable branch (1.18) is only getting bug fixes.

  • Edit: directives lingering_close, lingering_time ΠΈ lingering_timeout now work when using HTTP/2.
  • Change: now extra data sent by the backend is always discarded.
  • Change: now, when receiving too short a response from the FastCGI server, nginx tries to send the available part of the response to the client, after which it closes the connection with the client.
  • Change: nginx now stops processing the response with an error when receiving an incorrect length response from the gRPC backend.
  • Addendum: min_free parameter in directives proxy_cache_path, fastcgi_cache_path, scgi_cache_path ΠΈ uwsgi_cache_path. Thank you Adam Bambuch.
  • Bugfix: nginx did not drop unix domain listen sockets on graceful termination on a SIGQUIT signal.
  • Fix: UDP packets of size zero were not proxied.
  • Bug Fix: Proxying to uwsgi backends using SSL might not work. Thank you Guanzhong Chen.
  • Bugfix: in error handling when using the directive ssl_ocsp.
  • Bugfix: when using the XFS and NFS file systems, the size of the cache on the disk could be calculated incorrectly.
  • Bugfix: If the memcached server returned an invalid response, "negative size buf in writer" messages might appear in the logs.

Came out at the same time as nginx njs 0.4.2

njs is a subset of the JavaScript language that allows you to extend the functionality of nginx. njs is compatible with ECMAScript 5.1 (strict mode) with some extensions from ECMAScript 6 and later. Compatibility is under development.


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