Nintendo removed the game from the eShop after learning about a potentially dangerous secret in it

Nintendo removed the game from the Nintendo eShop after it was discovered that the developer had hidden a code editor in the game that allows users to write basic programs.

Nintendo removed the game from the eShop after learning about a potentially dangerous secret in it

That game was A Dark Room. It was recently released on the Nintendo Switch by Amir Rajan. The project was removed from the Nintendo eShop this weekend after the developer revealed that users can access the code editor. To do this, it was only necessary to connect a USB keyboard to the console and press "~".

β€œLast week I released A Dark Room on Nintendo Switch. I also built the Roby interpreter and code editor into the game as an easter egg. This easter egg actually turns every consumer Nintendo Switch into a Ruby Machine,” said Amir Rajan.

After the game was removed, Rajan apologized for his decision. β€œI deeply regret that this happened,” Rajan told Eurogamer, which reached out to him for comment. - A simple environment was mistaken for a large hole. Of course, [blame] the community that uses such things, which pushed [the situation] to such a development. I'm partly to blame for my sensational social media posts."

Nintendo removed the game from the eShop after learning about a potentially dangerous secret in it

Circle Entertainment, the publisher of A Dark Room, didn't know about the secret. She is trying to fix the situation. β€œWe are in contact with Nintendo to clarify the next steps and will pursue this matter accordingly; they are sorry about the circumstances and we apologize for this issue,” said Circle Entertainment. "We have always worked hard to closely follow Nintendo's processes and terms throughout our history of publishing games on DSiWare, 3DS eShop, Wii U eShop and Nintendo Switch eShop, and we regret the issue with this game."

The main concern was that the code editor could lead to the Nintendo Switch being hacked. But Rajan claims that people made a big deal out of thin air. "You can't even create an image with this damn thing," he said. β€œI never wanted Circle to have this [problem]. The last three days have been the worst of my life."

From Nintendo itself, no official statements have been received.


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