Nitrux is deprecating systemd

The Nitrux developers reported the formation of the first successfully working builds that got rid of the systemd init system. After three months of internal experimentation, testing of assemblies based on SysVinit and OpenRC began. The original version (SysVinit) is marked as fully working, but is not considered for certain reasons. The second option (OpenRC) does not support GUI and network connectivity at the moment. In the future, it is also planned to try to create builds with s6-init, runit and busybox-init.

The Nitrux distribution is based on Ubuntu and develops its own DE Nomad based on KDE (an add-on to KDE Plasma). Additional applications can be installed using the AppImage offline package system and the NX Software Center. The distribution itself comes in the form of a single file and is updated atomically using the native znx toolkit. In the context of using AppImage, the lack of traditional packaging and atomic system updates, using systemd is considered too complicated, since even the simplest initialization systems are sufficient to run the basic components of the distribution.


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