Not so Common Desktop Environment (NsCDE) - CDE style desktop environment

Not so Common Desktop Environment (NsCDE) - CDE style desktop environment

As they say, GNU/Linux is good because it can be configured and familiar to all the interface a la Windows, or you can do something unusual and non-standard.

For fans of "retro", the good news is that making your computer look like the good old warm tube computers from the early 90s has become even easier.

Not so Common Desktop Environment, or abbreviated NsCDE is a modern version of the well-known old-school CDE environment, which has long been considered a classic for Unix-like operating systems.

Spanish Sporthorse or Common Desktop Environment is a desktop environment for Unix and OpenVMS based on the Motif widget toolkit. For a long time, CDE was considered the "classic" environment for unix systems. For a long time, CDE was a closed proprietary software, and the source codes of the environment popular in the 90s were released to free access only in August 2012. Of course, they are of no practical interest, since CDE is irrevocably obsolete in terms of its capabilities and usability.

The project is based on VWF, complete with patches and add-ons needed to recreate the CDE interface. Settings and patches are written in Python ΠΈ Shell.

The developers set out to create a comfortable retro-style desktop environment that supports modern software and technologies, and does not cause discomfort when working with it. As part of the development, generators of the corresponding themes for Xt, Xaw, Motif, GTK2, GTK3, Qt4 and Qt5 were made, thanks to which it became possible to style almost all modern programs under CDE.

>>> Project source code GNU General Public License v3.0

>>> Video presentation


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