New version of Claws Mail 3.17.6

Took place release of a light and fast mail client ClawsMail 3.17.6, which in 2005 separated from the project Sylpheed (from 2001 to 2005 the projects were developed jointly, Claws was used to test future Sylpheed innovations). The interface of Claws Mail is built using GTK, the code is distributed under the GPL license.

Key innovations:

  • In the dialogs for moving and copying messages, when creating a new mail folder, it became possible to inherit the properties of the parent folder, which allows the child folder to apply the same rules that are set for the parent folder.
  • A phishing warning is now displayed not only when clicking on a link found to be phishing, but also when copying the URL of such a link.
  • Improved responsiveness of the mbox file import progress indicator.
  • Provided display of privacy mode selection warning
    'None' if automatic encryption and digital signature is enabled.

  • Added a check for the presence of python2 on the system to pkgconfig to build a Python plugin based on Python 2 on systems with the python2 and python3 packages installed.
  • Problems with STARTTLS protocol support have been resolved.


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