New releases of coreutils and findutils variants rewritten in Rust

The release of the uutils coreutils 0.0.18 toolkit is available, within which an analogue of the GNU Coreutils package, rewritten in the Rust language, is being developed. Coreutils comes with over a hundred utilities, including sort, cat, chmod, chown, chroot, cp, date, dd, echo, hostname, id, ln, and ls. The goal of the project is to create a cross-platform alternative implementation of Coreutils that can work on Windows, Redox and Fuchsia platforms, among other things. Unlike GNU Coreutils, the Rust implementation is distributed under the MIT permissive license instead of the GPL copyleft license.

Major changes:

  • Improved compatibility with the GNU Coreutils benchmark test suite, which passed 340 tests, failed 210 tests, and skipped 50 tests. The reference release is GNU Coreutils 9.2.
    New releases of coreutils and findutils variants rewritten in Rust
  • Expanded capabilities, improved compatibility and added missing options for the utilities cksum, chmod, chroot, comm, cp, cut, date, dd, du, expand, env, factor, hashsum, install, ln, ls, mktemp, mv, nice, nproc , od, ptx, pwd, rm, shred, sleep, stdbuf, stty, tail, touch, timeout, tr, uname, uniq, utmpx, uptime, wc.
  • Interactive mode (-i) has been improved in the ln, cp, and mv utilities.
  • Improved signal processing in the yes, tee and timeout utilities.
  • Changed to the is_terminal package instead of atty to define the terminal.

At the same time, the uutils findutils 0.4.0 package was released with an implementation in Rust of the utilities from the GNU Findutils set (find, locate, updatedb and xargs). In the new version:

  • Added support for the GNU-compatible printf function.
  • The xargs utility has been implemented.
  • Added support for regular expressions, POSIX wildcards, and "{}" substitutions.
  • The find utility has added support for the options “-print0”, “-lname”, “-ilname”, “-empty”, “-xdev”, “-and”, “-P”, “—“, “-quit”, "-mount", "-inum" and "-links".


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