Apex Legends update makes two of the weakest heroes more resilient

Audience Apex Legends quite quickly divided the heroes of this royal battle into useful and useless, and Gibraltar and Caustic belong to the second category. And the point is not at all in their abilities, but in their size compared to other characters. Both fighters are much larger than the rest, which makes them much easier to shoot at. released today patch 1.1.1 corrected this defect in a very unusual way for the genre.

Apex Legends update makes two of the weakest heroes more resilient

Both Gibraltar and Caustic have received the Fortified passive ability, which reduces their damage taken by 10%. In the next two weeks, the developers plan to closely monitor the results and “actively modify” the ability if ten percent is not enough. In addition, Caustic's trap damage has been increased from 1 to 4, and Gibraltar's shield has been made 50% stronger.

Not without a rebalancing of weapons. As you know, sniper battles in Apex Legends are rare, because rifles are not very convenient to use, and their damage is rather low. As a result, Respawn has increased the body damage of the G7 Scout, Triple Effect, and Longbow, as well as reducing crosshair sway. In addition, the Longbow now fires a little faster and has 1 more ammo in its clip.

Apex Legends update makes two of the weakest heroes more resilient

The Chaos clip has also increased from 25 to 32 rounds. For the Wingman, it decreased from 6 to 4, and for the Spitfire, the damage was cut by two units. Finally, the last change in the patch is related to the speed of the ship from which the participants drop out at the beginning of the match - from now on it flies 50% faster.

There is some good news for Battle Pass holders. From today until Thursday evening, there is an opportunity to earn two full levels - it is enough just once a day to get to the top five squads. In the future, Respawn promises to add more opportunities to earn levels, with which players will not have to work hard to get all the rewards.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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