Debian 11.1 and 10.11 update

The first corrective update of the Debian 11 distribution has been generated, which includes package updates released in the two months since the release of the new branch, and eliminated shortcomings in the installer. The release includes 75 updates to fix stability issues and 35 updates to fix vulnerabilities. Among the changes in Debian 11.1, we can note the update to the latest stable versions of the clamav, dpdk, flatpak, galera, gnome-maps, gnome-shell, mariadb, mutter, postgresql and ublock-origin packages.

Installation builds will be prepared for download and installation from scratch in the coming hours, as well as live iso-hybrid with Debian 11.1. Previously installed and up-to-date systems receive the updates that are present in Debian 11.1 through the native update system. Security fixes included in new releases of Debian are made available to users as updates are released via the service.

At the same time, a new release of the previous stable branch of Debian 10.11 is available, which includes 55 updates to fix stability problems and 50 updates to fix vulnerabilities. The packages birdtray (the add-on has lost compatibility with the current version of Thunderbird) and libprotocol-acme-perl (supports only the old version of the ACME protocol) have been excluded from the repository.


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