Firefox 106.0.2 and Tor Browser 11.5.6 update

A fix release of Firefox 106.0.2 is available that fixes several issues:

  • Fixed issue with missing content in some PDF forms.
  • In the configurator, the width of the column with the current state of the site permissions to send notifications is normalized.
  • Fixed a browser freeze when using accessibility tools on some sites (for example, when opening the Proxmox web interface).
  • We fixed an issue with updating synced data after reloading the Firefox View page.
  • Fixed an issue where Firefox would not launch when installed from the Windows Store directory.

In addition, a new version of Tor Browser 11.5.5 has been released, focused on anonymity, security and privacy. Ported vulnerability fixes from the Firefox ESR 102.4 branch into the release. Updated the default bridge node for the meek transport to make it easier to connect to Tor in heavily censored countries. The Snowflake transport, which uses a network of volunteer-run WebRTC-based proxies, has uTLS support enabled and bridged node settings changed. Almost immediately after, the Tor Browser 11.5.6 update was generated, in which, in hot pursuit, a bug in the Snowflake parameters was fixed, due to which users lost the ability to connect to the Tor network using the Snowflake bridge node prescribed in the program.


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