Firefox 122.0.1 update. Mozilla Monitor Plus service introduced

A maintenance release of Firefox 122.0.1 is available, which includes the following fixes:

  • The problem with displaying only icons (without text labels) of the Multi-Account Containers add-on in the β€œOpen in New Container Tab” block, called from the library and sidebar context menus, has been resolved.
  • Fixed incorrect application of the yaru-remix system theme in Linux-based environments.
  • Fixed a Windows platform-specific bug that caused a page to open in a new tab despite clicking the Dismiss button in the toast notification.
  • In the developer tools in the page inspection interface, the addition of an extra line when pasting rules from the clipboard has been removed.
  • Reverted change to the behavior of the Enter key when editing rules in Developer Tools. In Firefox 122, pressing the Enter key confirmed the input and set focus to the corresponding element. Firefox 122.0.1 brings back the old behavior where pressing Enter moves focus to the next input field.

At the same time, the Mozilla Monitor Plus service was introduced, which expands the free Mozilla Monitor service with a paid option that allows you to continuously monitor attempts to sell personal data and automatically send requests to remove user information from the sites of brokers trying to sell personal data. The service monitors more than 190 sites that sell personal data, including information such as full names, telephone numbers, residential addresses, information about relatives and children, and criminal records. As initial data for monitoring, you are asked to enter your first and last name, city of residence, date of birth and email.

The classic free Firefox Monitor provides a warning if an account is compromised (verified by email) or an attempt is made to log into a previously hacked site. The verification is carried out through integration with the database of the project, which includes information about 12.9 billion accounts stolen as a result of hacking of 744 sites.


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