Mozilla Common Voice 12.0 Voice Update

Mozilla has updated its Common Voice voice data sets, which include pronunciation examples from over 200 people. Data released as public domain (CC0). The proposed sets can be used in machine learning systems to build speech recognition and synthesis models.

Compared to the last update, the volume of speech material in the collection has increased from 23.8 to 25.8 thousand hours of speech. More than 88 thousand people took part in the preparation of materials in English, dictating 3161 hours of speech (there were 84 thousand participants and 3098 hours). The set for the Belarusian language includes 7903 participants and 1419 hours of speech material (there were 6965 participants and 1217 hours), the Russian language - 2815 participants and 229 hours (there were 2731 participants and 215 hours), the Uzbek language - 2092 participants and 262 hours (there were 2025 participants). and 258 hours), Ukrainian - 780 participants and 87 hours (there were 759 participants and 87 hours).

The Common Voice project is aimed at organizing joint work to accumulate a database of voice patterns that takes into account all the diversity of voices and manners of speech. Users are prompted to speak out phrases displayed on the screen or evaluate the quality of data added by other users. The accumulated database with records of various pronunciations of typical phrases of human speech without restrictions can be used in machine learning systems and in research projects.


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