β€œPlease Note” #2: Digest of articles on product thinking, behavioral psychology and personal productivity

β€œPlease Note” #2: Digest of articles on product thinking, behavioral psychology and personal productivity

This is the second in a series of weekly digests about technology, people and how they influence each other.

  • Andy Jones (ex Wealthfront, Facebook, Twitter, Quora) on how to create harmonious product growth in a startup. Cool ideas, statistics and examples from the best tech companies in their industries. The 19-page e-book is recommended reading for anyone interested in product growth.
  • Are you planning to move from design to product management? This transition can feel like a Catch 22. Good article, in order to correctly navigate the transition: what to expect, how to package your talents, where the pitfalls will be.
  • Speech by Ian Bogost, who understands a thing or two about game design and storytelling, that everything can be a game and everything can be played. Full of real-life examples, this half-hour lecture reminds us that we are not only the designers of our own destiny, but as soon as we start making any product, we are the designers of the games that other people play every day.
  • How can states help people and do something about Internet governance? Ben Thompson (Stratechery) based on current European legislative initiatives, market trends and common sense trying to figure it out.
  • Coolest essay the late doctor, psychologist and great neurologist Oliver Sacks about the benefits and power of gardens and parks in restoring mental health.

Source: habr.com

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