1C-Bitrix Developer Training: Sharing Our Approach to “Growing” Personnel

1C-Bitrix Developer Training: Sharing Our Approach to “Growing” Personnel

When the shortage of personnel becomes unbearable, digital companies go different ways: someone, under the guise of “courses”, opens their own forge of personnel, someone comes up with tempting conditions and hunts specialists from their competitors. But what if neither the first nor the second is suitable?

That's right - "grow". When a lot of tasks accumulate in the queue, and there is a risk of “layering” some projects in the production schedule onto others (and at the same time you want to continue to grow in terms of performance), then there is no time to open universities. And “stealing” personnel from others is not morality that allows everyone. Yes, and the path of hunting carries a lot of pitfalls.

We decided a long time ago that we need to go the most optimal way - not to neglect young personnel with little experience, to have time to take them out of the labor market while they are free, and to raise them.

Who are we teaching?

If you take into your ranks everyone who has mastered the creation of a resume on HH.ru, then this will be too “broad targeting”, as advertising specialists would say. A certain narrowing is required:

  1. Minimum knowledge of PHP. If a candidate declares a desire to develop in the field of web development, but, moreover, has not reached the theory of the most common scripting language, then there is no desire, or it is too “passive” (and will remain so for a long time).
  2. Passing a test task. The problem is that impressions and real abilities of a candidate are often completely different. A potential employee with zero skills sells himself well. And someone who does not look very interesting at the first stage may have good knowledge. And the only “filter” in this matter is the test task.
  3. Passing the standard stages of the interview.

1 month

The entire learning process is divided into 3 months, which are a conditional "trial period". Why conditional? Because this is not just an internship, during which the employee is tested and receives some basic skills. No, this is a complete training program. And as a result, we get full-fledged specialists who are not afraid to entrust a real client project.

What is included in the 1st month of training:

a) Bitrix theory:

  • First acquaintance with CMS.
  • Passing courses and obtaining relevant certificates:

- Content manager.

- Administrator.

b) First programming tasks. When solving them, it is forbidden to use high-level functions - that is, those in which certain algorithms are already implemented.

c) Acquaintance with corporate standards and culture of web development:

  • CRM - we let an employee into our portal.
  • Training in internal regulations and principles of work. Including:

— Rules for working with tasks.

— Development of documentation.

- Communication with managers.

d) And only then GIT (version control system).

An important point - we believe that universities are on the right track when they first teach students exactly the principles, and not some separate languages. And although basic knowledge of PHP is a prerequisite for getting into our training program, it still does not replace the skills of algorithmic thinking.

2 month

a) Continuation of Bitrix theory. Only this time there are other courses:

  • Administrator. Modules.
  • Administrator. Business.
  • Developer.

b) Development of combinatorics. Object-oriented programming. Complication of the algorithm, work with objects.

c) Tasks from the Bitrix paid exam - getting to know the architecture of the framework.

d) Practice - writing your own framework for developing a site with simple functionality. Mandatory requirement - the architecture must be similar to Bitrix. The assignment is supervised by the technical director. As a result, the employee has a deeper understanding of how the system works from the inside.

e) GIT.

Pay attention to how smoothly the employee's competencies develop relative to Bitrix itself. If in the 1st month we taught him basic things related to administration, then here we are already moving forward immediately. It is very important that the developer be able to do things that at first glance seem very simple and even "lower" (in the hierarchy of task complexity).

3 month

a) Again the tasks from the paid exam.

b) Integration of the layout of the online store on Bitrix.

c) Continuation of work on writing your own framework.

d) Small tasks - "combat" practice.

e) Again, GIT.

Throughout this period, progress is clearly recorded, debriefing is carried out with each employee 1 on 1. together specific "hooks". The purpose of each review is to turn the developer's weaknesses into strengths.


After 3 months of training, an employee who has completed the entire program automatically receives the status of "junior". What is the feature here? In many companies, the experience of specialists is assessed incorrectly - hence the incorrect name. In "juniors" they write down everyone indiscriminately. In our country, only those who have really been “in combat” and who are not deprived of a theoretical base are worthy of this status. In fact, such a “junior” may at some points be even stronger than a “middle” from other companies, whose training no one controlled.

What happens to our "junior" next? He is assigned to a more senior developer, who further supervises his work and monitors all important development milestones and project tasks.

Is the scheme working?

Definitely yes. It has already established itself as a proven training program, which is confirmed by experienced (already “grown up”) developers. We all go through it. Everything. And as a result, they turn into experienced combat units for outsourcing development tasks.

We have shared our approach. The next step is up to you, colleagues. Dare!

Source: habr.com

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