Published new version ONLYOFFICE DocumentServer 8.0.0, which includes a server for ONLYOFFICE online editors and collaboration support. Project code spreads under the free license AGPLv3.

Also released ONLYOFFICE DesktopEditors 8.0, based on a common code base with online editors. Desktop editors are presented as desktop applications written in JavaScript using web technologies. They combine client and server components designed for local use without access to an external service. Ready-made versions are available for Linux, Windows and macOS.

ONLYOFFICE provides full compatibility with MS Office and OpenDocument formats, including DOC, DOCX, ODT, RTF, TXT, PDF, HTML, EPUB, XPS, DjVu, XLS, XLSX, ODS, CSV, PPT, PPTX and ODP. Users can use the Nextcloud Hub platform for collaboration.

Key innovations include support for creating complex forms in PDF format for online filling, hints when working with DOCXF form templates, the ability to load local themes into editors (for Linux and Windows), performance optimization, adding support for Oracle DBMS and MS SQL Server to the server backend, as well as addressing vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows and XSS.


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