OpenSSL 3.0 has received LTS status. LibreSSL 3.5.0 release

The OpenSSL project has announced long-term support for the OpenSSL 3.0 branch of the cryptographic library, updates for which will be released within 5 years from the date of release, i.e. until September 7, 2026. The previous LTS branch 1.1.1 will be supported until September 11, 2023.

Additionally, we can note the release by the OpenBSD project of a portable edition of the LibreSSL 3.5.0 package, within which a fork of OpenSSL is being developed, aimed at providing a higher level of security. Among the changes in the new version, the porting from OpenSSL of support for RFC 3779 (X.509 extensions for IP addresses and autonomous systems) and the Certificate Transparency mechanism (an independent public log of all issued and revoked certificates, which makes it possible to conduct an independent audit of all changes and actions of certifiers) stand out. centers, and allows you to immediately track any attempts to covertly create fake records). Compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1 has been significantly improved and cipher names for TLSv1.3 are identical to OpenSSL. Many functions have been converted to use calloc(). A large portion of new calls have been added to libssl and libcrypto.


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