A completely free project of the AmboVent ventilator has been published


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We are talking about a basic and cheap device worth only $ 500. Its purpose is to maintain or save lives in the absence of more advanced equipment at hand. These devices are intended mainly for third world countries and in case of global catastrophes.

At the heart of the new device is an ambo pump with an automatic drive and a "smart" computer system. The device was developed in just 10 days by a group of investors and university staff led by Dr. David Alkaher. All information about the device is open to developers and engineers around the world. The project team is already working with stakeholders from 20 countries.

Tests of the new device were carried out by Professor Yoav Mintz, head of the Center for Innovation in Surgical Robotics at Hadassah and a researcher at the Hebrew University.

According to the developers, the first industrial samples will be received in two and a half weeks, they will be sent to 20 countries for additional checks and obtaining licenses for use. Within two months, these machines can be mass-produced in countries that do not have their own ventilators, such as Guatemala.

Professor Mintz described the course of the clinical trials: β€œWe euthanized the pig and inserted the AmboVent tube into the animal's lungs. We used pigs because their size, anatomy, and circulatory system resemble those of humans. When the experimental animal was in a state of artificial coma, we tested the only function of the new machine - the proper supply of oxygen to the lungs, without causing additional damage to the internal organs. Our experience has shown that the machine successfully passed all the tests. Oxygen arrived on time, in the right amount and supported the life of the animal for a long time.”

According to the test protocol, a three-time successful repetition of tests under extreme conditions could be considered a success. And this part of testing also ended positively, confirming that the stable operation of the device is not accidental.

Source: linux.org.ru

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