9 Classic Palm Games Sources Released

Aaron Ardiri has published the source code for clones of 9 classic games he wrote in the late 1990s and early 2000s for the Palm platform. The following games are available: Lemmings, Mario Bros, Octopus, Parachute, Fire, Loderunner, Hexxagon, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. The cloudpilot emulator can be used to run games in the browser. The code is written in C with assembler inserts and is distributed under a user agreement (EULA) that allows use for educational purposes. If desired, games can be ported to microcontrollers and other systems that come with a small amount of RAM and do not have a lot of computing power.

In addition to games, the code for the Liberty emulator has also been published, which allows you to run games written for the GameBoy gaming platform on Palm devices. Aaron also said that he intends to publish his other developments, not limited to the Palm platform, such as a library for creating cross-platform gaming applications SHARK, which supports 14 platforms, including the Sony PSP.

9 Classic Palm Games Sources Released
9 Classic Palm Games Sources Released

Source: opennet.ru

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