Bug in Linux kernel 5.19.12 potentially damaging screens on laptops with Intel GPUs

A critical bug has been identified in the fix set for the i915 graphics driver included in the Linux 5.19.12. Intel). The issue only affects laptops with Intel graphics that use the i915 driver. The error has been reported on some Lenovo, Dell, Thinkpad and Framework laptops.

The bug manifests itself as an intense bright white flash on the screen immediately after loading the i915 driver, which is compared by affected users to lighting effects at 90s rave parties. The observed flickering is caused by incorrect delays in powering up the LCD screen, which, if exposed for a long time, can potentially lead to physical damage to the LCD panel. If it is impossible to select another kernel in the bootloader to temporarily block the problem, it is recommended to specify the kernel parameter “module_blacklist=i915” during boot to log in and update the kernel package or roll back to the previous kernel.

The error is related to a change in the VBT (Video BIOS Tables) parsing logic, which was added only in the 5.19.12 kernel release, all earlier or later versions, including 5.19.11, 5.19.13 and 6.0.0, are not affected by the problem. The 5.19.12 core was formed on September 28, and the 5.19.13 patch release was published on October 4. Of the main distributions, the 5.19.12 kernel managed to be delivered to users in Fedora Linux, Gentoo and Arch Linux. Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE, and RHEL stable releases ship with older kernel branches.

Source: opennet.ru

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